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Everything posted by chadwick37

  1. I figured out my problem was doing the explode in the while statement which put everything into separate arrays. Now I have a new problem. The following code builds a db query and the query that it outputs works perfectly when I run it in phpMyAdmin. However, when I run a search that should output more than one result, and I've tested it in phpMyAdmin, I only end up with one result in output array. I can't figure out why it isn't getting all results, only the first one. if (isset($_POST['search'])) { // Build the search query $sq = "SELECT child_id FROM children "; if ($_POST['query'] == "" && $_POST['loc'] == "any" && $_POST['status'] == "any") { echo' <p class="error">You did not enter any search criteria.</p> '; } else { if(isset($_POST['query']) && $_POST['query'] != "") { $query = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['query'])); $sq .= "WHERE ("; $all = "SELECT * FROM children WHERE 1"; $r_all = mysqli_query($dbc, $all); while ($field = $r_all->fetch_field()) { $fields[] = $field->name; } // End while ($field = $r_all->fetch_field()) $sq .= implode(" LIKE '%{$query}%' OR ", $fields); $sq .= " LIKE '%{$query}%' "; } // End if(isset($_POST['query'])) if(isset($_POST['loc']) && $_POST['loc'] != "any") { $loc = $_POST['loc']; if ($_POST['query'] == "") { $sq .= " WHERE (location_id = {$loc} "; } else { $sq .= " AND location_id = {$loc} "; } } if(isset($_POST['status']) && $_POST['status'] != "any") { $status = $_POST['status']; if ($_POST['query'] == "" && $_POST['loc'] == "any") { $sq .= " WHERE (status = {$status} "; } else { $sq .= " AND status = {$status} "; } } } //End else $sq .= ")"; if (isset($sq)) { $sr = mysqli_query($dbc, $sq); $count = count($sr); echo $count; // to check how many results are returned, only ever returns one result echo $sq; // to check the query used so I can run it in phpMyAdmin and it always checks out perfectly and will return multiple results. $sa = mysqli_fetch_array($sr, MYSQLI_ASSOC); } } // End if (isset($_POST['search']))
  2. I'm trying to build a search function that will search all columns in a table. Here is what I've got: if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { $q = "SELECT * FROM children "; if(isset($_POST['query'])) { $q .= "WHERE "; $all = "SELECT * FROM children WHERE 1"; $r_all = mysqli_query($dbc, $all); while ($field = $r_all->fetch_field()) { // Get field headers for building query $f_name = "{$field->name} LIKE {$_POST['query']},:"; // Build query with search string $fn = explode(":",$f_name); // Need to convert $f_name to an array but this does not convert it to a single array but multiple arrays $q .= implode("OR", $fn); // Need to insert OR for the db query } // End while ($field = $r_all->fetch_field()) } // End if(isset($_POST['query'])) } // End if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) The explode function is what is not working for me. It gives me this (sam is the search string I entered into the form): Array ( [0] => child_id LIKE sam, [1] => ) Array ( [0] => first_name LIKE sam, [1] => ) Array ( [0] => second_name LIKE sam, [1] => ) Array ( [0] => last_name1 LIKE sam, [1] => ) Array ( [0] => last_name2 LIKE sam, [1] => ) Array ( [0] => gender LIKE sam, [1] => ) Array ( [0] => dob LIKE sam, [1] => ) so instead of getting one array with each string being a value I get multiple arrays. Any ideas?
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