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Everything posted by nupzee

  1. I have used the following script to correctly display the first file from the array across the selected directory and its sub-directories. Does anyone know how to modify this code to only echo the most recent file based on filemtime across the directory/subdirectories? function ListFiles($dir) { if($dh = opendir($dir)) { $files = Array(); $inner_files = Array(); while($file = readdir($dh)) { if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.') { if(is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { $inner_files = ListFiles($dir . "/" . $file); if(is_array($inner_files)) $files = array_merge($files, $inner_files); } else { array_push($files, $dir . "/" . $file); } } } closedir($dh); return $files; } } echo array_shift(ListFiles('media/media/images'));
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