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  1. <?php $string='< tag> a sdasf'; $string=htmlspecialchars($string); echo $string; ?> ...nothing changes at all
  2. thanks psycho, def. gonna check that out.
  3. hi freaks, still working on my email bot. im currently trying to escape <>-tags to be displayed- but not the browser wont exectute it (i.e. xls-tags) i want them as chars. so whin my $content is like <xsl:stylesheet> <xsl:template match="/"> <more xls...> it shows a stylesheet. i just want the chars. Here is what ive been trying so far: but its bad <?php $string='<tag> > < asdasf'; $bomb=array( '<', '>', ); $defusal=array( '-', '!', ); $string= preg_replace($bomb,$defusal,$string); echo $string; ?> error: Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: No ending matching delimiter '>' found in C:\xampp1\htdocs\code.php on line 13 donno any further now
  4. hey guys! Im trying to get hashtags out of a string. The function works so far- but i cant transfer the insides of the preg_match_all array into the string. A hint would be fine already. Thanks in advance- and here is some code <?php //example string $strcontent = "ima string... #wat #taggy #taggytag im in your stringz, stealing your charz!"; //find hashtags preg_match_all("/(#\w+)/", $strcontent, $matches); echo $matches; //the output is just "array" -> why? foreach ($matches as $match) { // $tempmatch=$match[1]; #####like this? //hiding the hashtags via span $strtemp="<br>ima span<br>" . $match . "<br>ima /span<br>" . $strcontent; $strcontent = $strtemp; echo $strcontent; } #echo $strcontent; # <span style="display:none;"></span> ?>
  5. hey guys! I just got started with php (yesterday) and im currently trying to write a script that cuts email signatures off. The first filter ($sig[0]) works fine, the string is cut and posted- and, well, that's it. I think i did sth wrong within the for- but i cant find it. So please help me out. A hint would be fine already. Thanks in advance- and here is some code: <?php $string="TESTSTRING!! I AM AN EMAIL TEXT!!! SO RANDOM! --- I AM A SIGNATURE!! HERP DERP CUT ME OFF"; //define possible sig starts (=filter) $sig[0]=("#=="); $sig[1]=("---"); $sig[2]=("the name of an enterprise"); $sig[3]=("___"); for ($i=0; $i<=3; $i++) { /* or count($sig) ? */ $sigpos=strpos($string,$sig[$i]); if($sigpos>0) { $string= substr($string,0,$sigpos); break; echo $string; } else { echo $string; break; } } ?> <br> <? //show where the sig is cut off echo $sigpos; ?>
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