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Everything posted by djfadeout

  1. I have a script on my website, freestudentcloud.com. But i want: 1) that new users must activate there account. 2)If the user lose his pass that he can Change/renew his password. I hope someone can help me with my problems. I have no knowledge of php, but i have tried many thinks. like http://www.learnphponline.com/scripts/email-activation-for-php-forms This is the users.php <?php if( ! defined( '_AppPath' ) ) { exit( 'Direct access to this script is not permitted' ); } class Users { var $app; function __construct( $app ) { $this->app = $app; } //****************************** // Insert new user //****************************** function create($return = false) { //Data validation $error; if(empty($_POST['password'])) $error = 'Please enter a password'; if(!empty($_POST['maxupload']) && !ctype_digit($_POST['maxupload'])) $error = 'Please enter numeric values only for max. upload limit'; if(empty($_POST['name'])) $error = 'Please enter a username'; //Check for errors if($error) { return array("error" => $error); } $user = array(); $user['name'] = $this->app->db->real_escape_string($_POST['name']); $user['password'] = md5('_password_'.$_POST['password']); $user['maxupload'] = $_POST['maxupload'] ? $_POST['maxupload'] : ''; $user['admin'] = $_POST['admin']; //remove white space from username $user['name'] = str_replace(" ","",$user['name']); //Check for illegal characters $valid = array('-', '_'); if(!ctype_alnum(str_replace($valid,'',$user['name']))) return array("error" => 'Only alphanumeric characters and "-" or "_" are allowed'); if(strlen($user['name']) > 30) return array("error" => 'Username is too big (30 characters allowed)'); //Insert user into database $query = "INSERT INTO users VALUES (NULL, '".$user['name']."', '".$user['password']."', '".$user['admin']."', '0', '".($user['maxupload']*1000)."')"; if(!$user['maxupload']) $query = "INSERT INTO users VALUES (NULL, '".$user['name']."', '".$user['password']."', '".$user['admin']."', '0', NULL)"; //Save user record in database $result = $this->app->db->query($query); if(!$result) return array("error" => "The username you chose is taken already"); //Set user id $user['id'] = sprintf("%011d", $this->app->db->insert_id); //Create meta entries for new user $this->app->meta->create("downloads_".$user['id'],0,$user['id']); //downloads entry $this->app->meta->create("uploads_".$user['id'],0,$user['id']); //uplodads entry $user['password'] = ''; //If is ajax call return upload data if($return == true) { return $user; } } //****************************** // Get users //****************************** function get() { $user = $this->app->session->get_var( 'id' ); $query = "SELECT id,name, admin, space, maxspace FROM users WHERE id != '$user'"; $response = $this->app->db->query($query); //Check if database has records if ($response->num_rows > 0) { //Records were found $users = array(); while($row = $response->fetch_array()) { //Change bytes to kylobytes if maxspace is set if($row['maxspace']) $row['maxspace'] = $row['maxspace'] / 1000; $users[] = $row; } return $users; } else return false; } function getinfo($user) { $query = "SELECT id,name, admin, space, maxspace FROM users WHERE name = '$user' LIMIT 1"; $response = $this->app->db->query($query); if ($response && $row = $response->fetch_assoc()) { return $row; } } //****************************** // Delete user //****************************** function delete($user) { $query = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id = '$user'"; $this->app->db->query($query); //Remove user meta entries $this->app->meta->delete("uploads_".$user); //uplodads entry $this->app->meta->delete("downloads_".$user); //uplodads entry } //****************************** // Change user password //****************************** function updatepassword() { //Data validation $error; if(empty($_POST['password'])) $error = 'Please enter a password'; //Check for errors if($error) { return array("error" => $error); } $password = md5('_password_'.$_POST['password']); $user = $this->app->session->get_var( 'id' ); $query = "UPDATE users SET password = '$password' WHERE id = '$user'"; $response = $this->app->db->query($query); return $response; } //****************************** // Update user info //****************************** function update($return = false) { //Data validation $error; if(!empty($_POST['maxupload']) && !ctype_digit($_POST['maxupload'])) $error = 'Please enter numeric values only for max. upload limit'; //Check for errors if($error) { return array("error" => $error); } $user = array(); $user['id'] = $_POST['value']; $user['maxupload'] = $_POST['maxupload'] ? $_POST['maxupload'] : NULL; $user['admin'] = $_POST['admin']; //Update user in database $query = "UPDATE users SET maxspace = '".($user['maxupload']*1000)."', admin = '".$user['admin']."' WHERE id = '".$user['id']."'"; if(is_null($user['maxupload'])) $query = "UPDATE users SET maxspace = NULL, admin = '".$user['admin']."' WHERE id = '".$user['id']."'"; $response = $this->app->db->query($query); //If is ajax call return upload data if($return == true) return $user; } //****************************** // Update user used space //****************************** function updatespace($space) { $user = $this->app->session->get_var( 'username' ); $query = "UPDATE users SET space = '$space' WHERE name = '$user' LIMIT 1"; $response = $this->app->db->query($query); if($response) return $response; } //****************************** // Login user //****************************** function login($user,$password) { $user = $this->app->db->real_escape_string($user); $password = md5('_password_'.$password); $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '$user' AND password = '$password'"; $response = $this->app->db->query($query); if ($response && $row = $response->fetch_assoc()) { // Credentials matched $this->app->session->add_var( array( 'username' => $row['name'],'id' => $row['id'] )); if( $_SESSION ) { session_regenerate_id( true ); } # Redirect to dashboard $path = $this->app->path."manage/"; header ("Location: $path"); } else { return "Incorrect"; } } //****************************** // Logout user //****************************** function logout() { $path = $this->app->path."manage/"; session_destroy(); header("Location: $path"); } } ?> Register.php <?php if( ! defined( '_AppPath' ) ) { exit( 'Direct access to this script is not permitted' ); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Login</title> <!--STYLES--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $viewsdir ?>views/css/reset.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $viewsdir ?>views/css/styles.css" type="text/css"> <!--SRIPTS--> <script src="<?php echo $viewsdir ?>views/plugins/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php echo $viewsdir ?>views/plugins/jquery.form.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php echo $viewsdir ?>views/plugins/core.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> path = ''; </script> </head> <body> <div id="main" class="notice container"> <!--Wrapper--> <div id="wrapper" class="notice"> <!--Content--> <div id="content" class="padding"> <?php if($error) : ?> <div id="message" class="one message invalid clearfix" style="display: block;"> <?php echo $error ?> </div> <?php endif ?> <form id="on-login" method="post"> <!--Username--> <p class="placeholders"> <label for="user">Username</label> <input name="name" type="text" autocomplete="off" value="<?php echo $_POST['name'] ?>"> </p> <!--Password--> <p class="placeholders"> <label for="password">Password</label> <input name="password" type="password" autocomplete="off"> </p> <p> <label for="robot">Are you human ? <span class="help">- how much is 2 + 3 ?</span></label> <input type="text" name="robot" value="<?php echo $_POST['robot'] ?>"> </p> <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="register"> <a class="help one" href="<?php echo $path."manage/"; ?>">Log in</a> </form> <!--End #content--> </div> <!--End #wrapper--> </div> <!--End .container--> </div> </body> </html> The database is: table: users Column: | id | name | email | password | admin | space | maxspace | What can i do? i do not ask to make the whole sript , i wanna learn, but i don't get it at all. Thank you, Tim
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