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Everything posted by bulz

  1. Hi, I'm a newbie in web developer. I'd like to use someone's JS function, but i don't know it doesn't work after i combine with my code. I give an example of my code, even though it's not the real code. The main problem is I want to give value in the textarea, when user click the button. But the value is from some php processes (in this example i choose to use a variable $num=5 as the final result of php processes) <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function displayResult(a) { document.getElementById("myTextarea").value= a; } </script> </head> <body> <textarea id="myTextarea" cols="20"> </textarea> <br /> <?php $num=5;?> <button type="button" onclick="displayResult(<?=$num;?>)">Alert value of text area</button> </body> </html> Please help me :'( Thanks before
  2. Linear algebra I think. I would like to code this problems. Since x^a + y^b+z^c+u=0 where a(the highest power) > 3 i can't use formula which can be used if value of a max 2. If the biggest power is 2, I can use( -b + root(b^2-4ac))/2a.. Thanks
  3. I'm sorry, it's not eigen matrix but eigen vector. I've found a way to get eigen value using newton raphson. But, it won't give me eigen vector.. Anybody knows? :'(
  4. Does anyone knows a good reference of algorithm that I can use to find Eigen Value and Eigen Matrix? Assumption: Matrix larger than 2x2 min 3x3. Thanks before
  5. $arrResult is a result from stemming file, which is an array with key. The keys are words, with value of frequency of specific words appear in that file. Example: key(string) => value(int) hello=> 20 php=>15 freaks=>9 forum=>8
  6. Thanks for reply Actually, I will do something inside the if.. But, in my example, I would like to check, which one is exist in my database, which is not.. so, I try to echo the "id", if the word is exist in my database..
  7. Hi guyz, please help me I want to get an id from my database, I use a word to search it which is stored as keys of array. But all the keys can't be found in my database, even though it's there. Here some parts of my code $arrKeys = array_keys($arrResult); foreach($arrKeys as $key) { //if($arrResult[$key]>1) { echo $key/*."=>". $arrResult[$key]*/."<br>"; //$q = mysql_query("select id_katadasar from tb_katadasar where katadasar='".$key."'"); $kon->query("select id_katadasar from tb_katadasar where katadasar='".$key."'"); var_dump($kon->query); //echo "select id_katadasar from tb_katadasar where katadasar='".$key."'"; //$jum = $kon->getJumlah(); //$row = mysql_fetch_array($q, MYSQL_ASSOC) or die(mysql_error() . ''. $q); //echo count($row); if($row = $kon->tampilkan()) //if($row = mysql_fetch_array($q, MYSQL_NUM)) { //$res = $kon->tampilkan(); echo $row[0]; } //else { //echo "tidak ada di db <br><br>"; } } } $kon->query is equal to mysql_query() $kon->tampilkan return $row=mysql_fetch_array(query) Thanks
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