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Everything posted by pcs_dmw

  1. Many Thanks for your help with this. The issue has now been resolved.
  2. Firstly hello - I've not posted on here before! I'm after a bit of advice if possible - I recently upgraded to a new server with RHEL6 and PHP 5.3.10 from a previous server with RHEL4 and PHP 5.2.17. I have some postcode lookup software running that functioned perfectly on our old server, but seems to cause a server 500 error with the updated version of PHP. I cannot downgrade to PHP 5.2.17 so I need to fix the issue or workaround it. A snippet of the code is as follows: $data = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($url)); foreach ($data->Rows->children() as $row) { I have narrowed down the cause of the failure to "children()" - it seems that anything with the curly brackets causes the code to die? As you may guess I'm not a guru with PHP - I just know enough to get by. What do I need to do to get this working? Many thanks in advance. Danny
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