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About jayjay159357

  • Birthday 09/26/1993

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. By the way, you can't put an image in a database only the link to the image.
  2. Cant you do a mysql_query before you move the uploaded file?
  3. In the if statement if((window.location.href !== 'http://url.com/signup.php')||(window.location.href !== 'http://url.com/register.php')||(window.location.href !== 'http://url.com/login.php')) i would replace the or (||) with (&&). Im sure this is your problem! if((window.location.href !== 'http://url.com/signup.php')&&(window.location.href !== 'http://url.com/register.php')&&(window.location.href !== 'http://url.com/login.php')){ Hope that helps.
  4. if you want the value inside the element use <?php $url = 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getimages&artist=Dr%20Feelgood&limit=1&autocorrect=1&api_key=c107c9b5c09cb5693b6c19409dd984c1'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); echo $xml->images->image->sizes->size[2]; ?> I think this is what you want. I think it didnt work for you bacause you missed out image after images when getting the data. took me ages to code this for you haha. I think the xml is considerd "Messy". Hope that helps!
  5. Well if it was me id do <?php $url = 'url_of_xml_file'; $xml = simpleXML_load_file($url); //if you want to get multiple xml elements use a foreach loop... foreach($xml->element_name as $value) { echo $value; } //if you only want the first element do... echo $xml->element_name; ?>
  6. Shouldnt "session_start();" be at the top of the page? before any includes. Try that! <?php session_start(); include('connect.php'); $username = $_SESSION['username']; ?> And if you are including pages that also have session start on them remove session start you will only need it once!
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