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  1. Thanks! I entered in your suggestion and made a few tweaks to clean it up and it is working now! I appreciate the help!
  2. If anyone could help me clean up any unnecessary code, it would be helpful as well.
  3. I am fairly new to PHP forms so I am trying to adapt an example that I found online. Right now it IS functioning... showing a error message OR showing a success message and sending all the form information to my email account. I would like to edit it to redirect to a specific page if it has an error (http://www.mosaleen.com/contact_error.html) and to another if it sends successfully (http://www.mosaleen.com/thankyou_email.html) I am a bit confused by how the script is looped at the end. However, if I delete out that last few lines of coding, the form stops working. I am attaching the code below. Keep in mind that I am a newbie! <?php // Turn on error reporting. Handy for debugging. error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); // The following parameters are pretty much all that you // need to change except for the format of the email message // below. Note that your mail server may require the mailTo // address be in the host domain. $mailTo = "****"; // The address that will receive form submissions $mailSubject = "Comments from Mosaleen"; // Whatever you want $mailHost = "****"; // Usually looks like mail.yourhost.com $mailPort = "25"; // Usually 25 $mailAuth = true; // "true" if your mail server requires authentication, "false" if not $mailPassword = "****"; // The mail password associated with $mailTo // If you want to get cookies values... // $myCookie = $_COOKIE["cookiename"]; // Get the form fields. $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $message = $_POST['message']; // If there are errors, display them and a back button. if($errorMessages) { ?> <p>Errors were found on the form.</p> <ul> <?php echo $errorMessages; ?> </ul> <p><input type="button" value="Back" onClick="history.back()"></p> <?php } // No errors, send the message and print out success message. else { // These can sometimes be useful, although you should not // violate your site's privacy policy. $browser = $HTTP_USER_AGENT; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Build the email.<br /> $body = " Name: $name Email: $email Phone: $phone Message: $message -------------------- Browser: $browser User IP: $ip"; include("Mail.php"); $headers["From"] = "contact@mosaleen.com"; $headers["To"] = $mailTo; $headers["Subject"] = $mailSubject; $params["host"] = $mailHost; $params["port"] = $mailPort; $params["auth"] = $mailAuth; $params["username"] = $mailTo; $params["password"] = $mailPassword; $mail_object =& Mail::factory("smtp", $params); $mail_object->send($mailTo, $headers, $body); ?> <h1>Thank You</h1> <p>Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch with you shortly.</p> <?php } ?>
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