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  1. Hi all, I need some help. My ob_get_contents() is empty and gives me a empty file everytime. I tried different cache script it is still the same. I have also tried fwrite($fp, 'hello') In this case, it successfully writes to the file. But when i use ob_start and ob_get_contents, it will be empty. can anyone please advice. My simplified script is here <?php // Settings $cachedir = 'cache/'; // Directory to cache files in (keep outside web root) $cachetime = 600; // Seconds to cache files for $cacheext = 'html'; // Extension to give cached files (usually cache, htm, txt) // Ignore List $ignore_list = array( '/rss.php', '/search/' ); // Script $page = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // Requested page $cachefile = $cachedir . md5($page) . '.' . $cacheext; // Cache file to either load or create $ignore_page = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ignore_list); $i++) { $ignore_page = (strpos($page, $ignore_list[$i]) !== false) ? true : $ignore_page; } $cachefile_created = ((@file_exists($cachefile)) and ($ignore_page === false)) ? @filemtime($cachefile) : 0; @clearstatcache(); // Show file from cache if still valid if (time() - $cachetime < $cachefile_created) { //ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); @readfile($cachefile); //ob_end_flush(); exit(); } // If we're still here, we need to generate a cache file ob_start(); ?> All My HTML AND PHP CODES TO RUN THE SITE <?php // Now the script has run, generate a new cache file $fp = @fopen($cachefile, 'w'); // save the contents of output buffer to the file @fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents()); @fclose($fp); ob_end_flush(); ?>
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