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Everything posted by maaxphp

  1. Yes I was aware of that, but I don't know how to use it to retrieve the image or poster image url based on the movie ID. Could you show me an example of how I would use it. I am using I would use the GET function Store the url in a php variable like "Movieimg" then echo it, correct? Omer
  2. Hi there here is what I am trying to do. I have a site A poster can ask a question about a movie that he/she is unsure of Then people can answer If anyone's post is selected as the right answer then I want the poster image to show up in their comment box for the movie. When you answer a question about a movie You can enter The movie name IMDB link IMDB ID So what I want to know is, well I know that there is some javascript onlick function that takes the "select as right answer" clicking action by the Question asker and calls a script which outputs or echos the right answer message. Or this answer is correct message. I want to also summon the IMDB poster image for that commenter if he / she is selected Any ideas? Omar
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