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Everything posted by sleepysy

  1. ooops. sorry. i forgot to paste the part of the script (in index.php on the very top) where i catch the submission values according to what the user clicks - save or delete record. here the $_SESSION ['choice'] is declared. i always thought that only a FORM's name-field can assign a value to a $_POST variable ... ok. should have read more before tryin it all of my own .. here the script (as you can see ... i probably need to learn a lot more to optimize it / or write it a lot shorter ... ) <?php session_start('tran'); $_SESSION ['sel_bereich'] = $sel_b; if (isset($_POST['bereich'])){ $_SESSION ['bereich'] = $_POST ['bereich']; if($_POST['sav']){ $_SESSION ['choice'] = 'save'; } else { if($_POST['del']){ $_SESSION ['areas'] = $_POST ['areas']; $_SESSION ['choice'] = 'delete'; } } header("location:bereiche.php"); } else { $meldung = "You have to put a value … bla bla … !"; } ?>
  2. hey guys, i ( ... still newbie) got following problem. The title describes it already very well ... i have managed to make my form do the addrecord-submission to mysql ... but not to let the user select an item in the dropdownlist to delete that (or another) selected record again. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong? This is my script: <form id="formstyle" method="POST" action=<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>> <div class="line"> <span class="labelname">Productfamily:</span> <input class="ffield1" name="bereich" type="text" value="z.b. Design & Graphik"> <select class="option_bereich_01" name="areas"> <?php session_start('speichern'); $_SESSION ['bereich'] = $_POST['bereich']; $check_bereich = $_POST['bereich']; include 'includes/connect.php'; if ($verbindung){ mysqli_select_db($verbindung, $datenbank); if(mysqli_error($verbindung)){ echo "fehler"; }else{ $sql = "SELECT * FROM `bereich` ORDER BY `key`"; $abfrage = mysqli_query($verbindung, $sql); } }; while ($sel_bereich = mysqli_fetch_assoc($abfrage)){ echo "<option VALUE=''>". $sel_bereich['key']." ". $sel_bereich['bereich']." </option>"; } ?> </select> </div> <div id="msg"> <?php if (isset($_SESSION ['meldung'])){ echo $_SESSION ['meldung']; } else { echo "Wert eingegeben!"; } ?> </div> <div id="tasten-wrap_delete"> <div class="line"><input id="taste" name= "del" type="submit" value="Löschen" ></div> </div> <div id="tasten-wrap_bereich"> <div class="bt"><input id="taste" name= "sav" type="submit" value="Sichern" ></div> </div> </form> ----------------------------- END index.php ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- bereiche.php ------------------------------------- <?php <?php session_start(); include 'includes/connect.php'; //some of theses session-vars i have just used for trying ... $delete = $_SESSION ['delete_object']; $bereich = $_SESSION ['bereich']; $wahl = $_SESSION ['choice']; $area = $_SESSION ['areas']; $sel_b = $_SESSION ['sel_bereich']; if($wahl == 'delete' ){ switch ($wahl){ case empty ($bereich): $state_bereich = 'Bitte Eingabe machen!'; $_SESSION ['meldung'] = $state_bereich; break; case ! empty ($bereich): $sql = "DELETE FROM `db6776223-powertraining`.`bereich` WHERE `bereich`.`key` = {$sel_b['key']};" ; $abfrage = mysqli_query($verbindung, $sql); $state_bereich = $area.' wurde gelöscht'; $_SESSION ['meldung'] = $state_bereich; header("location: index.php"); exit; break; } } else { echo "not selected - failed!"; } ?> this is how it should look like : http://www.schmoelz.at/redaktion/index.php thanks in advance !!!!!
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