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  1. Sorry for missing that. I've got it now. Here's the final and it works great! <?php $cnx = fopen("data/Book1.csv", "r"); //open example.csv echo("<table>\n\t<tbody>\n"); // echo the table $i = 1; # counter variable (to note which row we're working with) while (!feof ($cnx)) { // while not end of file $values = fgetcsv($cnx); // parse CSV line into an array echo "\t\t<tr>\n"; for ( $j = 0; $j < count($values); $j++ ) { // if (empty($values)) { continue; } else { if ($i === 1) { // This is the first row - use <th> cells echo("\t\t\t<th>$values[$j]</th>\n"); } else { // This is NOT the first row - use <td> cells echo("\t\t\t<td>$values[$j]</td>\n"); } } } echo"\t\t</tr>\n"; $i++; # increment the counter }; echo("\t</tbody>\n</table>"); fclose($cnx); //close filename variable ?> Thanks for all your help.
  2. So I'm probably implementing XYPH's recommendation incorrectly. But the way I have it, I loose the first column: <?php $cnx = fopen("data/Book1.csv", "r"); //open example.csv echo("<table>\n\t<tbody>\n"); // echo the table $i = 1; # counter variable (to note which row we're working with) while (!feof ($cnx)) { // while not end of file $values = fgetcsv($cnx); // parse CSV line into an array echo "\t\t<tr>\n"; for ( $j = 0; $j < count($values); $j++ ) { // if (empty($j)) { continue; } else { if ($i === 1) { // This is the first row - use <th> cells echo("\t\t\t<th>$values[$j]</th>\n"); } else { // This is NOT the first row - use <td> cells echo("\t\t\t<td>$values[$j]</td>\n"); } } } echo"\t\t</tr>\n"; $i++; # increment the counter }; echo("\t</tbody>\n</table>"); fclose($cnx); //close filename variable ?> You can tell I'm a novice at this, but it fun to keep trying. Thanks for the advice.
  3. You were absolutely correct. Attached is my sample (data files are in the data folder). Book1.csv with the trailing return Book2.csv without the trailing return 18270_.zip
  4. This works great! Just one last question... When the script loops through the data in the spreadsheet, it completes the loop with an empty cell when it reaches the end. Here an example of the HTML output... <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>Column 1</th> <th>Column 2</th> <th>Column 3 </th> </tr> <tr> <td>r1c1</td> <td>r1c2</td> <td>r1c3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>r2c1</td> <td>r2c2</td> <td>r2c3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>r3c1</td> <td>r3c2</td> <td>r3c3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> // The blank cell </tr> </tbody> </table> Is there a way to not include the trailing blank data cell?
  5. Here's another way I was working on this yesterday: <?php $cnx = fopen("data/Book1.csv", "r"); //open csv file echo("<table>\n\t<tbody>\n"); // echo the table while (!feof ($cnx)) { // while not end of file $buffer = fgets($cnx); // get contents of file (name) as variable $values = explode(",", $buffer); //explode "," between the values within the contents echo "\t\t<tr>\n"; for ( $i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++ ) { // if ( $i === 0 ) { echo("\t\t\t<th>$values[$i]</th>\n"); } else { echo("\t\t\t<td>$values[$i]</td>\n"); } } echo"\t\t</tr>\n"; }; echo("\t</tbody>\n</table>"); fclose($cnx); //close filename variable ?> Which worked, except that it made the first "column" <th> cells rather than the first "row".
  6. I don't think I've implemented what you intended correctly. Here's what I have: <?php $cnx = fopen("data/Book1.csv", "r"); //open csv file echo("<table>\n\t<tbody>\n"); // echo the table while (!feof ($cnx)) { // while not end of file $buffer = fgets($cnx); // get contents of file (name) as variable $values = explode(",", $buffer); //explode "," between the values within the contents echo "\t\t<tr>\n"; $i = 1; // # counter variable (to note which row we're working with) while ( ! feof($cnx)) { if ( $i === 1 ) { echo("\t\t\t<th>$values[$i]</th>\n"); // this is the first row - use <th> cells } else { echo("\t\t\t<td>$values[$i]</td>\n"); // this is NOT the first row - use <td> cells -- This is line 38 } $i++; # increment the counter } echo"\t\t</tr>\n"; }; echo("\t</tbody>\n</table>"); fclose($cnx); //close filename variable ?> The error message I get is: Thoughts?
  7. I found the following forum topic and have implemented the solution provided at the bottom: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=310258.0 <?php $cnx = fopen("data/Book1.csv", "r"); //open example.csv echo("<table>\n\t<tbody>\n"); // echo the table while (!feof ($cnx)) { // while not end of file $buffer = fgets($cnx); // get contents of file (name) as variable $values = explode(",", $buffer); //explode "," between the values within the contents echo "\t\t<tr>\n"; for ( $j = 0; $j < count($values); $j++ ) { // echo("\t\t\t<td>$values[$j]</td>\n"); } echo"\t\t</tr>\n"; }; echo("\t</tbody>\n</table>"); fclose($cnx); //close filename variable ?> It works great. One question though - - what might it take to add an if/else statement that inserted the following for the first row in the CSV file ... echo("\t\t\t<th>$values[$j]</th>\n"); ... and inserted the following for every row after the first ... echo("\t\t\t<td>$values[$j]</td>\n"); This way I can better control my table through CSS. Any ideas?
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