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Everything posted by boredguy

  1. I work as a Flash Developer at a company. They got into mobile development and created Flash and Mobile Projects for clients like GM, Kia, Jaguar. They used Corona SDK to create a mobile app for Jaguar and I got to create the 2012 version, it was my first adventure into writing and creating mobile apps. I tried to learn and download the Android SDK in the past on my own but it was challenging to learn and took forever for me to download everything you need. I suggest you try Corona SDK and you can write the code in notepad ++ (for pc) or textwrangler (for mac) depending on what system your using. They used eclipse with Corona SDK but i don't like it. Anyway it was simple enough to use and learn but instead of being limited to Android Apps, it creates them for the iPhone (iOS). So write one app and it can output for both. I guess it depends on how in-depth you plan on making the apps. If for system or utilities, I don't think Corona would work or not but for presentations, information and stuff, check it out.
  2. Link didn't work but google searched the gotoandlearn.com site for 64 and found the page. The url has since changed "..play.php?.." instead of "..play?..". May 2012 http://www.gotoandlearn.com/play.php?id=64
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