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  1. Thank you Thank you, that was the answer, it is returning how I was hoping it would. My goal is to get to OOP programming, I will view the link, because i am very interested in how I could have coded this differently.
  2. Ok, here is a even better question, this is the code where I am trying to display the data in a textarea and the textarea box is blank but the paragraph is displayed outside of the textarea via the echo command just on the page. I am sure there is a simple solution and I assume that it in my technique. Please tell me a better way to retrieve data and place it in a textarea. michael1062 18390_.php
  3. Thank you, I will try to implement this change in hope that it will work. I have actually tried to use the <textarea> Tag, But I assumed that I was doing something wrong because textarea shows up but is will not allow my data to be displayed in the box. I was assuming that I was doing something wrong, thinking that textarea only allows input. I need to display what is in the file already and then allow the user to update the data. I will continue to look for a way to get the data into the textarea. If u can see what I am doing wrong, please point it out. This is the code that I used: echo "<tr><td></td><td><textarea rows=\"10\" cols=\"50\" name=\"homepage\" value=\"$homepage\"></textarea></td></tr><br>\n"; Thanks. michael1062 Also I am new to this site, what is the answer to the question: John, George, Paul and ....:
  4. Thanks algid, i have search high and low for a syntex on the correct way to use the "input" statement in php and I was unable to find an example where it used a type od textarea. when I didi use the type of textarea there was no change to the grid is stilled appeared as a text box. as far as the style sheet, that was something that i hadn't thought of and not sure how to use is. I have coded in the midrange area for over 20 year but I am new to php and CSS, and not sure how to control with CSS. Michael1062
  5. Hi i'm new to PHP/web development but not new to coding. I have some php code that I grabed from a template where I am selecting data from a file and having it diplay on the screen in a form. My $query = "select * from file where" statement works and bring the data back to the screen. However, I want the data to be returned in a textarea instead of a text field that is not big enough to display the 3 paragraph that i need to display. Please see code below, thsi code will return the data but the text box only returns the data in a line, I need the data to be returned in a textarea, so I can update it. I have looked for the correct syntex with no luck, please correct me. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $recordid = $row['recordid']; $homepage = $row['homepage']; echo "<h2>Update About Us Information</h2>\n"; echo "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">\n"; echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"1\">\n"; echo "<tr><td><h3>Record ID</h3></td><td>$recordid</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td><h3>Homepage</h3></td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"100\" name=\"homepage\" value=\"$homepage\" /></td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" value=\"Update\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" value=\"Delete Product\">\n"; echo "</form>\n";
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