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Everything posted by Abyss_Rover

  1. Hello everyone. I have been told that PHP, javascript and html would be needed for this. So I am here to explain and ask your advice. Since being severely disabled in a car accident, I am trying to make use of what I have left. I would like to use my knowledge and try to help those who want to get back to work. I will give my time for free but the cost of using council premises must be paid for, albeit heavily subsedised by the benefits department. I will need a single page. It will need a datepicker (so I am told) where students can see what days are available and then select their chosen dates and complete their details. Then, the system will make some calculations and send me an email with the details that I can add to official paperwork and email on, to the student, the benefits department and the local council. I would also like to be able to "log in" to the page, to put the details in myself and still to send me the email with the details, as before. Should I explain everything I am trying to achieve, in one post, or can someone advise me as to which parts need which code and make separate posts in the corresponding threads? I am trying to study as much as possible and am finding this forum a great help. But, a little help or guidance in the right direction would be great. Thank you, in advance, for your help
  2. Part way there. I have added the following to main_index.php $_SESSION['fromsite']='yes' And this to advert_details.php if(isset($_SESSION['fromsite'])){ echo 'is set'; }else{ header(' Location: http://www.finditfme.com/main_index.php') ; } When coming from the site I get "is set". When coming from google I am redirected to the main_index.php. Can someone help me to call the advert_details page?
  3. The following has been suggested. Could anybody suggest how I would implement this or something similar. 1. create a session cookie for visitors coming to "main_index.php" 2. within "advert_details.php" evaluate if the cookie exists : - if so, it means that the request is coming from your site so you can open it in fancybox - if not, it means that the request is coming from elsewhere (a search engine in this example) .... then you can use php header() to redirect to main_index.php otherwise
  4. Hi, I have multiple divs that are loaded into my "main_index.php" page. On each div there is a "More information" link "<a href="advert_details.php?advert_id=<?php print $advert_id?>" id="more<? php print $advert_id?>">More</a>" On the "main_index.php" page, I have the lightbox script $('a').filter(function() { return this.id.match(/more[0-9]/); }).fancybox({ 'overlayColor' : '#000', 'overlayOpacity' : 0.1, 'width' : 640, 'height' : 940, 'type' : 'iframe' }); This opens the details in the fancybox. When one of these pages "advert_details.php" are shown by a search engine, when you follow the link, the page "advert_details.php" opens with all of the information but I would like it to open the "main_index.php" page first and then the advert_details.php. Can anyone suggest a way to do this please. Thanks Peter
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