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Everything posted by Bogh

  1. I have posted the PHP code here too. I really hope you can help me with this one. Thank you very much. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Slides /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if( ! function_exists( 'pixy_slides' ) ) { function pixy_slides( $id, $options ) { // Fixed Height $height = ''; if( $options['height'] ) $height = ' style="height:'.$options['height'].'px"'; $output = '<ul class="pi-slides pi-slides-'.$options['setup']['style'].'">'; // Slide content $i = 0; $class = null; foreach( $options['setup']['names'] as $key => $name ) { $output .= '<li '.$height.'>'; switch( $options[$key]['type'] ) { case 'page' : $page_id = pixy_post_id_by_name( $options[$key]['page'], 'page' ); $page = get_page( $page_id ); $output .= apply_filters( 'the_content', $page->post_content ); break; case 'raw' : $output .= apply_filters( 'the_content', stripslashes( $options[$key]['raw'] ) ); break; } $output .= '</li>'; $i++; } $output .= '</ul><!-- .pi-slides (end) -->'; return $output; } } if( ! function_exists( 'pixy_shortcode_slides' ) ) { function pixy_shortcode_slides( $atts, $content = null ) { $default = array( 'style' => 'framed', // framed, open, left, right 'height' => '', // Optional fixed height for inside of tabs 'class' => '' // Optional class for element-tabs container ); extract( shortcode_atts( $default, $atts ) ); if( isset( $atts['style'] ) ) unset( $atts['style'], $atts['class'], $atts['height'] ); $id = uniqid( 'slides_'.rand() ); $num = count( $atts ) - 1; $i = 1; $options = array( 'setup' => array( 'num' => $num, 'style' => $style, 'class' => $class, 'names' => array() ), 'height' => $height ); if( is_array( $atts ) && ! empty( $atts ) ) { foreach( $atts as $key => $slide ) { $options['setup']['names']['slide_'.$i] = $slide; $slide_content = explode( '[/'.$key.']', $content ); $slide_content = explode( '['.$key.']', $slide_content[0] ); $options['slide_'.$i] = array( 'type' => 'raw', 'raw' => $slide_content[1], ); $i++; } $output = '<div class="element element-slides '.$class.' '.pixy_get_classes( 'element_slides', true ).'">'.pixy_slides( $id, $options ).'</div><!-- .element (end) -->'; } else { $output = '<p class="pi-warning alert">'.__( 'No slides found', 'aeryn' ).'</p>'; } return $output; } } add_shortcode( 'slides', 'pixy_shortcode_slides' );
  2. Hi, this is my first post on this forum and I hope I have posted it in the right place I am trying to modify a custom Wordpress Shortcode that produces slides. The shortcode works pretty well, but it's a bit complicated. So, now in the shortcode I have to use: slide_1="Title #1" slide_2="Title #2" slide_3="Title #3" and so on, like in the following shortcode: [raw] [slides style="framed" class="" height="300" slide_1="Title #1" slide_2="Title #2" slide_3="Title #3"] [slide_1]Slide 1 content...[/slide_1] [slide_2]Slide 2 content...[/slide_2] [slide_3]Slide 3 content...[/slide_3] [/slides] [/raw] How should I modify the PHP code of the shortcode so I don't need to use slide_1="Title #1" slide_2="Title #2" slide_3="Title #3" The PHP code is here: http://ideone.com/lZRGS. Please let me know if I should provide more clarification. Thank you.
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