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  1. There is a query select or mysql_fetch_array problem in my php code. I created a fairly simple MySql query that should return the property names assigned to a particular user with an access code. It works perfectly if it is executed in phpmyadmin. Here are the 3 tables involved: TABLE: gelt_properties gp_id gp_name 1 Bridgemont Terrace 2 Waterstone Apartments 3 Villa Sienna 4 The Colonnade 5 Vernon Vista TABLE: gelt_users gu_id gu_name gu_type 1 Alec Smith admin 2 Jim Hall reg TABLE: gelt_user_detail gd_id gd_gu_id gd_gp_id gd_access 1 1 1 Y 2 1 2 Y 3 1 3 Y 4 2 3 Y ----- gd_id 5 has been deleted ------ 6 1 4 Y 7 1 5 N (gp_id, gu_id and gd_id are all primary keys) SELECT gp_name, gd_access FROM gelt_users LEFT JOIN gelt_user_detail ON gelt_user_detail.gd_gu_id = gelt_users.gu_id LEFT JOIN gelt_properties ON gelt_properties.gp_id = gelt_user_detail.gd_gp_id WHERE gelt_users.gu_id = 1 ORDER BY gp_name The above query comes back with the following result: gp_name gd_access Bridgemont Terrace Y The Colonnade Y Vernon Vista N Villa Sienna Y Waterstone Apartments Y I must be doing something wrong becasue when use the same query in my php code it comes back with the wrong results (results are in jasno format). Below is my php code : //-------------------------------------------------------------- <?php $gu_id = $_GET['gu_id']; . . //---- lines containing the mysql_connect are omitted! . mysql_select_db ('gelt_db',$con) or die ('E-11'); $q_string = "SELECT gp_name,gd_access FROM gelt_users LEFT JOIN gelt_user_detail ON gelt_user_detail.gd_gu_id = gelt_users.gu_id LEFT JOIN gelt_properties ON gelt_properties.gp_id = gelt_user_detail.gd_gp_id WHERE gelt_users.gu_id ='$gu_id' ORDER BY gp_name"; $resultArr = Array(); $result = mysql_query($q_string,$con); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $resultArr[0]['gp_name'] = $row['gp_name'];; $resultArr[0]['gd_access'] = $row['gd_access']; } } else { $resultArr[0]['result'] = "false"; } echo json_encode($resultArr); mysql_close($con); ?> //--------------------------------------------------------------- This is what echoed back: [{"gp_name":"Bridgemont Terrace","gd_access":"Y"}, {"gp_name":"Bridgemont Terrace","gd_access":"Y"}, {"gp_name":"Bridgemont Terrace","gd_access":"Y"}] Any help solving this problem would be greately appreciated! Thanks in advence ablazso
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