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  1. dodgeitorelse3's post in How to put custom body on <a href="sms link? was marked as the answer   
    if you go to the link requinix posted and click the play button in the result window to see just how the link is created.

  2. dodgeitorelse3's post in New to mysqli was marked as the answer   
    I think you need a semi colon at end of $stmt=$db->stmt_init()
  3. dodgeitorelse3's post in hide or show buttons was marked as the answer   
    I have solved my issue.
    In index.html I changed the previous button to display:none
    <!-- Previous Button --> <button id="prev-btn" style="display:none;"> <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-left"></i> </button> And then in main.js I added
    if(currentState == 1){ prevBtn.style.display = "none"; } underneath the Business Logic section. I also add the display inline or none in 2 places in each of the goNextPage function and the goPrevPage function so they now look like this:
    function goNextPage() { if(currentLocation < maxLocation) { switch(currentLocation) { case 1: openBook(); prevBtn.style.display = "inline"; paper1.classList.add("flipped"); paper1.style.zIndex = 1; break; case 2: paper2.classList.add("flipped"); paper2.style.zIndex = 2; break; case 3: nextBtn.style.display = "none"; paper3.classList.add("flipped"); paper3.style.zIndex = 3; closeBook(false); break; default: throw new Error("unkown state"); } currentLocation++; } } function goPrevPage() { if(currentLocation > 1) { switch(currentLocation) { case 2: closeBook(true); prevBtn.style.display = "none"; paper1.classList.remove("flipped"); paper1.style.zIndex = 3; break; case 3: paper2.classList.remove("flipped"); paper2.style.zIndex = 2; break; case 4: openBook(); nextBtn.style.display = "inline"; paper3.classList.remove("flipped"); paper3.style.zIndex = 1; break; default: throw new Error("unkown state"); } currentLocation--; } }  
  4. dodgeitorelse3's post in Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: using PDO to run sql update statement was marked as the answer   
    you are confusing
    customer_id = :id;
    customer_id = :customer_id;
  5. dodgeitorelse3's post in Draw on screen with an if statement was marked as the answer   
    if I understand correctly this should work.
    echo "<div class='field-container'>"; if($game['platform2'] !== ""){ echo "<div class='title'>Platform</div> <div class='information'>{$game['platform2']}</div> <div class='title'>Launcher</div> <div class='information'>{$game['launcher2']}</div>"; } echo "</div>";  
  6. dodgeitorelse3's post in array_push issue from within foreach was marked as the answer   
    I ended up with this however I suppose a php memory issue will arise when enough data is retrieved.

    $all_data = array(); foreach($id as $idkey => $iduse){ $temparr=array(); $result_time = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM ".$iduse." order by timedate Asc"); while ($rowtime = $result_time->fetch_row()) { $temparr[] = $rowtime; } array_push($all_data, array("id" => $idonly[$idkey], "comment" => $comment[$idkey], "data" => $temparr)); } Also thank you Barand for the fetch_row replacement.
  7. dodgeitorelse3's post in Cannot get second yAxes to scale by right side 0-1 was marked as the answer   
    var labelsdb = <?php echo json_encode($labelsdb); ?>; //array from database for dates and times var datadb = <?php echo json_encode($datadb); ?>; // array from database for number of players var datadon = <?php echo json_encode($datadon); ?>; // array from database for number of players var datadoff = <?php echo json_encode($datadoff); ?>; // array from database for number of players var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); // points to canvas ctx.style.backgroundColor = "#2F3136"; //canvas background color var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: labelsdb, datasets: [{ label: 'Players', yAxisID: 'A', backgroundColor: '#593A45', // color for active players bars in graph borderWidth: 1, // border for active players bars in graph borderColor: '#F45E7F', steppedLine: true, //true keeps even line horizontal until change, false displays curved line data: datadb }, { label: 'Online', yAxisID: 'B', backgroundColor: '#808080', // color for active players bars in graph borderWidth: 1, // border for active players bars in graph borderColor: '#CECECE', steppedLine: true, //true keeps even line horizontal until change, false displays curved line data: datadon }] }, options: { responsive: true, //whether graph is responsive when zoom in or out maintainAspectRatio: false, scales: { xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, fontColor: '#FFFFFF', fontStyle: 'bold', fontSize: 14 }, ticks: { autoSkip: false, maxTicksLimit: 24, maxRotation: 45, //rotate text for hours at bottom of graph minRotation: 45, //rotate text for hours at bottom of graph fontColor: '#FFFFFF', // color of hours at bottom of graph major: { enabled: true, // <-- This is the key line fontStyle: 'bold', //You can also style these values differently fontSize: 14 //You can also style these values differently } }, type: 'time', //to show time at bottom of graph time: { unit: 'hour', displayFormats: { hour: 'hA', //example displays 9AM or 6PM stepSize: 1 //1 for each hour to display at bottom of graph, 2 to show every 2 hrs. } }, display: true, gridLines: { display: true, // display vertical gridline color: '#686868', //color of vertical gridlines zeroLineColor: '#686868' //colors first vertical grid line } }], yAxes: [{ id: 'A', type: 'linear', position: 'left', ticks: { fontColor: '#FFFFFF', // color of numbers at left side of graph for number of players stepSize: 1 }, gridLines: { display: true, //display horizontal gridlines color: "#686868" //color of horizontal gridlines }, scaleLabel: { display: true, //display label at left vertical side of graph labelString: 'Players', //text to be displayed at left vertical side of graph fontColor: '#FFFFFF', fontStyle: 'bold', fontSize: 14, } }, { id: 'B', type: 'linear', position: 'right', ticks: { max: 1, min: 0, stepSize: 1, fontColor: '#808080', fontStyle: 'bold', fontSize: 14 }, gridLines: { display: true, //display horizontal gridlines color: "#686868" //color of horizontal gridlines }, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: 'Online', fontColor: '#808080', fontStyle: 'bold', fontSize: 14 } }] } } }); Solved!!
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