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  1. I am trying to use what you put but it doesn't seem to work correctly. I know I must be not putting something correctly. Here is what I am putting. I also tried it exactly the way you had it and it didn't work. <? // Global Variables $image_dir = "$_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]/trinity_cyclery2011/bmx/images/mirraco"; // directory on server $image_relative_path = '/trinity_cyclery2011/bmx/images/mirraco'; // path to images relative to script $file_types = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png'); $image_time = '4000'; // seconds each image will display (4000 = 4 seconds) $id = ('gallery1'); if($handle = opendir($image_dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $ext_bits = explode(".",$file); // finds file extensions foreach($ext_bits as $key => $value){ if(in_array($value,$file_types)){ $image_rotation .= '<li><img src="'.$image_relative_path.'/'.$file.'"></li>'; } } } } closedir($handle); } ?> <? // Global Variables $image_dir = "$_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]/trinity_cyclery2011/bmx/images/fitbike"; // directory on server $image_relative_path = '/trinity_cyclery2011/bmx/images/fitbike'; // path to images relative to script $file_types = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png'); $image_time = '4000'; // seconds each image will display (4000 = 4 seconds) $id = ('gallery2'); if($handle = opendir($image_dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $ext_bits = explode(".",$file); // finds file extensions foreach($ext_bits as $key => $value){ if(in_array($value,$file_types)){ $image_rotation .= '<li><img src="'.$image_relative_path.'/'.$file.'"></li>'; } } } } closedir($handle); } ?> and this is on the page. <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#image_rotate').innerfade({ speed: 'slow', timeout: '4000', type: 'sequence', containerheight: '220px' }); }); </script> <ul id="gallery1" style="list-style: none outside none;"> <?= $image_rotation; ?> </ul>
  2. I am using this jquery image fader http://www.linein.org/blog/2008/01/10/roate-image-using-jquery-with-plugin/ I got the first picture to work but the second one just shows all of the pictures and is not rotating images.
  3. I am very new to php. I am using a php code to use a image directory to fade image in and out. I need to be able to use the same code but for different directories on the same page. <? // Global Variables $image_dir = "$_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]/trinity_cyclery2011/bmx/images/mirraco"; // directory on server $image_relative_path = '/trinity_cyclery2011/bmx/images/mirraco'; // path to images relative to script $file_types = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png'); $image_time = '4000'; // seconds each image will display (4000 = 4 seconds) if($handle = opendir($image_dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $ext_bits = explode(".",$file); // finds file extensions foreach($ext_bits as $key => $value){ if(in_array($value,$file_types)){ $image_rotation .= '<li><img src="'.$image_relative_path.'/'.$file.'"></li>'; } } } } closedir($handle); } ?> <? // Global Variables $image_dir = "$_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]/trinity_cyclery2011/bmx/images/fitbike"; // directory on server $image_relative_path = '/trinity_cyclery2011/bmx/images/fitbike'; // path to images relative to script $file_types = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png'); $image_time = '4000'; // seconds each image will display (4000 = 4 seconds) if($handle = opendir($image_dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $ext_bits = explode(".",$file); // finds file extensions foreach($ext_bits as $key => $value){ if(in_array($value,$file_types)){ $image_rotation_fit .= '<li><img src="'.$image_relative_path.'/'.$file.'"></li>'; } } } } closedir($handle); } ?> and this goes in the document. <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#image_rotate').innerfade({ speed: 'slow', timeout: 4000, type: 'sequence', containerheight: '220px' }); }); </script> <ul id="image_rotate" style="list-style: none;"> <?= $image_rotation; ?> </ul> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#image_rotate').innerfade({ speed: 'slow', timeout: 4000, type: 'sequence', containerheight: '220px' }); }); </script> <ul id="image_rotate" style="list-style: none;"> <?= $image_rotation_fit; ?> </ul> any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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