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bob_the _builder

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Posts posted by bob_the _builder

  1. Hi,


    Is the following code pluasable to use and safe?


    foreach($_POST as $key=>$value){
    $$key = ValidateInput($value);


    Basically then u can use the variable




    rather than







  2. Hi,


    The following code should get files from url and prompt download.




    $file = '/home/fusion/public_html/uploads/'.$_GET['files'].'';
    if(!file_exists($file)) die("I'm sorry, the file doesn't seem to exist.");
    $type = filetype($file);
    $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
    $time = time();
    header("Content-type: $type");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$filename");
    header('Pragma: no-cache');
    header('Expires: 0');


    if i send the url as:


    file.php?1.zip which exists in the uploads folder I get prompted to download file called file.php


    Any ideas what the issue maybe?






  3. Hi,

    I have 3 tables:

    [code]CREATE TABLE product_headings (
      heading_id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      product varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      PRIMARY KEY (heading_id)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM;


    CREATE TABLE products (
      product_id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      filter int(10) NOT NULL default '',
      product_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      description text NOT NULL,
      current int(10) NOT NULL default '',
      PRIMARY KEY (product_id)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM;


    CREATE TABLE product_images (
      photo_id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      product_id int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
      photo_filename varchar(25) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (photo_id)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM;[/code]

    Im not sure how to create a relationship between the tables and images, If somone chooses to delete a "product_heading" have it also delete the related "products" from the product table and also unlink the images related to the products, whic is where I am stuck.

    The following code is what I am using to delete a product from the "products" table and unlink all the images related to that product:

    [code=php:0]if (array_key_exists("confirm",$_REQUEST)) {

    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT photo_filename FROM product_images WHERE product_id='".NumValidate($_GET['product_id'])."'");
    while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
      @unlink($images_dir . '/' . $row[0]);
      @unlink($images_dir . '/tb_' . $row[0]);
    @mysql_query("DELETE FROM product_images WHERE product_id = '".NumValidate($_GET['product_id'])."'");
    @mysql_query("DELETE FROM products WHERE product_id = '".NumValidate($_GET['product_id'])."'");

    echo '<br /><center><b>Record was successfully deleted</b></center>';
    echo '<br /><center><b>Do you really want to delete this record?</b></center>';
    echo '<br /><br /><center><a href="../index.php?action=del_products&product_id='.$_GET['product_id'].'&del_all&confirm=y">Yes</a> - <a href="#" onClick="history.go(-1)">No</a></center>';

  4. Hi,

    You will need to edit this to suit, this is wat I use along with gd code:

    [code=php:0] $number_of_fields = 4;

    echo '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="index.php?action=upload" method="post" name="upload_form">';

     while($counter <= $number_of_fields){
      echo '<input name="photo_filename[]" type="file" class="input-box"><br />';
    echo '<textarea name="photo_caption[]" cols="26" rows="3" class="input-box"></textarea><br /><br />';

    echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload Photos" class="submit-button">';
    echo '</form>';

    echo '</center>';[/code]

    and to process:

    [code=php:0]$counter = 0;

    $known_photo_types = array(
    'image/pjpeg' => 'jpg',
    'image/jpeg' => 'jpg',
    'image/gif' => 'gif');
    $gd_function_suffix = array(
    'image/pjpeg' => 'JPEG',
    'image/jpeg' => 'JPEG',
    'image/gif' => 'gif');

    $photos_filename = $_FILES['photo_filename'];        
    $photo_caption = $_POST['photo_caption'];

    while($counter <= count($photos_uploaded))
    if($photos_uploaded['size'][$counter] > 0)
    if(!array_key_exists($photos_uploaded['type'][$counter], $known_photo_types))
    echo 'File '.($counter+1).' is not a photo!<br />';


    mysql_query("INSERT INTO gallery_images(photo_filename, photo_caption) VALUES('".$photo_filename[$counter]."', '".$photo_caption[$counter]."')" );
    copy($photos_filename['tmp_name'][$counter], $images_dir."/".$filename);

  5. Hi,

    Save yourself some repetitive typing and use a function:

    [code=php:0]function ValidateInput($value) {

    if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
      $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
    $value = trim(strip_tags($value));
    return $value;

    $firstname = ValidateInput($_POST['firstname']);
    $lastname = ValidateInput($_POST['lastname']);[/code]

  6. Hi,

    function call inside an echo command sums it up ..

    Basically I have html stored in a function

    [code=php:0]function smileys() {
    echo 'html here';

    when I call it into my table it messes up the structure, if I store the same code in a variable and call the variable into the table it places it perfect.

    [code=php:0]echo '<td colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle">'.buttons().'</td>''[/code]

    messes up the table

    I guess a function would be better than a variable?

  7. Hi,

    I got:

    [code=php:0]$value = preg_replace("/\[url=http://(.*)\](.*)\[\/url\]/","<a href='\\1'>\\2</a>",$value);[/code]

    and wrap url with:


    Does the trick thanks
  8. Hi,

    When converting [url=http://tags whats the correct format:

    [code=php:0]"[url]" => "<a href='",
    "] tags whats the correct format:

    [code=php:0]"[url]" => "<a href='",
    "[/url]" => "'></a>",[/code]

    how can you allow words between '> </a>

    and is there security risk, should the url some how be cleaned before inserting into the database?

    so far user input is been cleaned via:

    [code=php:0]function ValidateInput($value) {
    $value = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(strip_tags($value)));
    return $value;[/code]


  9. Ok, gettin a bit lot now. I am using:

    [code=php:0]function ValidateInput($value) {
    $value = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(strip_tags($value)));
    return $value;

    to clean user input, and I understand that you should check post and get data contains the correct data for the query it is to perform.

    I thought ValidateInput will clean user data enough to insert into the db and looking for a basic function to check post and get data.

    Basically some general user security

  10. Not having much luck with the error message, if I use:

    [code=php:0]if ($_GET['edit'] == 'edit') {
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT description FROM news WHERE news_id = ".SafeNumber($_GET['news_id'])."");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
    $description = stripslashes($row['description']);

    if news_id isnt a number it processes the request anyway with a blank text area as there was no match with a db record.

  11. [quote]+0123.45e6[/quote]

    Wouldnt the 'e' get filtered as not numeric within that string anyway?

    All im really looking for is to stop any sql injection via the get or post of the numeric id.

    Also using:

    [code=php:0]if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

    if($_POST['edit'] == 'edit') {
    $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE news SET description='".ValidateInput($_POST['description'])."', filter='".ValidateInput($_POST['filter'])."'
    WHERE news_id = '".$_POST['news_id']."'");
    if (!$sql) { echo 'Failed, please contact the web administrator'; }else{ echo 'Sucessfully edited'; }
    $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (description, filter, posted)
    VALUES('".ValidateInput($_POST['description'])."', '".ValidateInput($_POST['filter'])."', now())");
    if (!$sql) { echo 'Failed, please contact the web administrator'; }else{ echo 'Sucessfully added'; }

    is that pretty safe from being altered in general also making sure the the id is numeric and making sure edit is = to edit?

  12. Hi,

    I have:

    [code=php:0]if(isset($_POST['news_id'])) {
    if(!is_numeric($_POST['news_id'])) {
    echo 'Please dont edit the url!';

    if(isset($_GET['news_id'])) {
    if(!is_numeric($_GET['news_id'])) {
    echo 'Please dont edit the url! GET';

    at the very top of my page .. seems to work, but I thought there might be a cleaner way to check both in a single query.

    Basically the id is sent across the url, then grabed as a hidden field in a form then submited the a sql query .. is the above code enough to make sure it goes thru as a numeric only?

  13. Hi,

    I was thinking of some universal way where I could add a snippet at the top of my page which has a few insert, update, delete querys ..

    Basically all in one check post and get id's, if not a numric then echo error message and halt the script. rather than checking each query individually having the same piece of code several times on the page etc

    Also whats the advantage to adding:

    )? return true: return false; to the function?

  14. Hi,

    I have a function:

    [code=php:0]function ValidateNumric($value) {
    $value = is_numeric($value);
    return $value;

    Being trying a impliment an easy way to validate any $_POST or $_GET id's using the above function and show an error message about altering the url.

    Anyone got any nifty ways to check any id parsed, keeping code to a minimum using the above function?

  15. Hi,

    This seems to work in FF:

    [code=php:0]<scrip type='text/javascript'>

    function bbcode(open, end){
    var tArea = document.form.description;
    var isIE = (document.all)? true : false;
    var open = (open)? open : "";
    var end = (end)? end : "";

    var curSelect = document.selection.createRange();
    curSelect.text = open + arguments[2] + "]" + curSelect.text + end;
    curSelect.text = open + curSelect.text + end;
    }else if(!isIE && typeof tArea.selectionStart != "undefined"){
    var selStart = tArea.value.substr(0, tArea.selectionStart);
    var selEnd = tArea.value.substr(tArea.selectionEnd, tArea.value.length);
    var curSelection = tArea.value.replace(selStart, '').replace(selEnd, '');
    tArea.value = selStart + open + arguments[2] + "]" + curSelection + end + selEnd;
    tArea.value = selStart + open + curSelection + end + selEnd;
    tArea.value += (arguments[2])? open + arguments[2] + "]" + end : open + end;


    <img onClick="bbcode(':D')" src='../images/smileys/biggrin.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':blink:')" src='../images/smileys/blink.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode('B)')" src='../images/smileys/cool.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':huh:')" src='../images/smileys/huh.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':lol:')" src='../images/smileys/laugh.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':angry:')" src='../images/smileys/mad.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':mellow:')" src='../images/smileys/mellow.gif' border="0" />
    <br />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':o')" src='../images/smileys/ohmy.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':rolleyes:')" src='../images/smileys/rolleyes.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':(')" src='../images/smileys/sad.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':)')" src='../images/smileys/smile.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':P')" src='../images/smileys/tongue.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(':unsure:')" src='../images/smileys/unsure.gif' border="0" />
    <img onClick="bbcode(';)')" src='../images/smileys/wink.gif' border="0" />
    <br /><br />
    <input type="button" value="Bold" onclick="bbcode('[b]', '[/b]')" />
    <input type="button" value="Italic" onclick="bbcode('[i]', '[/i]')" />
    <input type="button" value="Underline" onclick="bbcode('[u]', '[/u]')" />

    <form name="form" action="../page.php" method="post">
        <textarea name="description" cols="25" rows="5"></textarea><br />
        <input name="submit" type="submit" value="submit">
    </form> [/code]

    Does that seem like pluasable code?

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