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  1. Here's another version of fixed. Just in case if anyone feel interested. http://www6.mimima.com/link.php?ref=q10jkvq9Xt
  3. That's what I'm trying to do. Rewrite the code into pure PHP completely but failed. I must missed something or made some mistakes by myself. Since there nothing wrong with the code. Here's complete source code. Previous one missing some pics and Smarty core. http://www6.mimima.c...ref=FGHkNoDtmB
  4. Here is a very tiny program(3 files) has embedded with Smarty template engine. Anyone knows how to remove Smarty completely? Complete source files as in attachment. index.php <?php require("comm/Smarty.class.php"); require_once("get_data.php"); require_once("books.php"); $book = new bo_books(); $book->apply_discount(); $smarty = new Smarty; $smarty->assign("book",$book); $smarty->display('index.tpl'); ?> get_data.php <?php class books { //public public $title = array(); public $image = array(); public $author = array(); public $description = array(); public $year = array (); public $price = array(); // private private $filename = "data.txt"; //class constructor function __construct() { //get the lines as an array $i=-1; $lines = file($this->filename); // strip "\n" at the end of each array // get each variable in an array foreach ( $lines as $line) { if (strlen($line) > 2) { $line = rtrim($line); list($what, $content) = explode("=> ", $line."=> => => "); if ($what == "Title") { $i++; $this->title[$i]=$content; } elseif ($what == "Image") { $this->image[$i]=$content; } elseif ($what == "Author") { $this->author[$i]=$content; } elseif ($what == "Description") { $this->description[$i]=$content; } elseif ($what == "Year") { $this->year[$i]=$content; } elseif ($what == "Price") { $this->price[$i]=$content; }; }; }; } // end constructor } // end GetData ?> books.php <?php class bo_books { //public public $title = array(); public $image = array(); public $author = array(); public $description = array(); public $year = array (); public $price = array(); public $discount = array(); public $discounted = array(); //private protected $DataObject; function __construct() { $this->DataObject = new books(); } public function apply_discount() { $this->title = $this->DataObject->title; $this->image = $this->DataObject->image; $this->author = $this->DataObject->author; $this->description = $this->DataObject->description; $this->year = $this->DataObject->year; $this->price = $this->DataObject->price; $j = 0; foreach($this->year as $year) { if ($this->year[$j] == '2004') $this->discount[$j] = '20'; elseif ($this->year[$j] == '2005') $this->discount[$j] = '10'; $this->discounted[$j] = intval($this->price[$j] * (100 - $this->discount[$j]) ) / 100 ; $j++; }; } // end function apply_discount() } // end class bo_books ?> data.txt Title=> Building Websites with VB.NET and DotNetNuke 3.0 Image=> 1904811272.jpg Author=> Daniel N. Egan Description=> A practical guide to creating and maintaining your own website with DotNetNuke, the free, open source evolution of Microsoft's IBuySpy Portal Year=> 2005 Price=> 39.99 Title=> SSL VPN : Understanding, evaluating and planning secure, web-based remote access Image=> 1904811078.jpg Author=> Joseph Steinberg, Tim Speed, Simon Jenner Description=> A comprehensive overview of SSL VPN technologies and design strategies Year=> 2005 Price=> 49.99 Title=> Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Design and Implementation=> Creating, Migrating, and Merging Networks Image=> 1904811086.jpg Author=> John Savill Description=> A unique, scenario-based approach to selecting and implementing the best Active Directory design for your environment Year=> 2005 Price=> 59.99 Title=> Building Websites with the ASP.NET Community Starter Kit Image=> 1904811000.jpg Author=> Cristian Darie, K. Scott Allen Description=> A comprehensive guide to understanding, implementing, and extending the powerful and freely available application from Microsoft Year=> 2004 Price=> 44.99 1_Smarty_mycode.zip
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