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Everything posted by mostafatalebi

  1. Hello My main operating system in Windows Xp. I have a Linux CentOS 7.0 Which is installed on a vmware. Due to some reasons, I cannot install ZendServer on this virtual machine. What I like to do, is to install it on another virtual machine configured in my Windows. So basically there would be two virtual linux on a host Windows. Is it possible to connect my main working virtual linux to the second linux which has zendserver installed? How should I connect to the second linux virtual machine via the first one?
  2. I want a more robust language for application development. I know C++ just as a beginner. but am not sure if the employment prospect is promising or not. Since it is real a time-demanding language. So I have to be sensitive about it.
  3. Hello My question is not a Vs. type of question. I want to know which language is better to learn when you are a PHP programmer, Java or C++? I mean from an economic point of view. I already know what Java and C++ can do and how they are different. But my question is that, when you are a PHP programmer, and want to learn a programming language, which is better, Java or C++, from a job point of view?
  4. Hello Can any one introduce a book/DVD for Programming Windows application with Python? Thanks
  5. thanks for your reply. Then I more try to become a task-managing programmer...
  6. thanks for your reply. I have a MA degree in English Literature. Then, based on your given points, this might come useful to me. Of course, assuming I have the necessary practical knowledge of Web Design and Development.
  7. Hello I am from Iran and want to move to Canada several years later. My questions are: Is having a degree in Programming or Computer Science necessary to get a job? Are there any reliable online center for issuing certificates? Thanks in advance
  8. Hello I have two domains. My main domain is working for around 1 year, while my second domain is only one day old. I have added the second domain as my addon admin to the first one via cPanel. the second domain contains an index.php which redirect the visitor to the main domain. I have bought, due to some issues with first domain, the second domain for Google Adwords. Now, I'm confused whether or not do I need to do any SEO things to the second domain? Because when people search the google, Google Adwords will show my second domain as the website domain. thanks
  9. Hello I have problem with Adobe Dreamweaver. When I minimize it or when after writing one or two lines of code I maximize another application (such as firefox), dreamweaver alerts me. the below picture shows you exactly what I mean. Because I do not know the exact technical word when an application task bar icon turns blue as if some operation in it has taken place. Take a look at this: and if you know whether OS or DW are the cause, tell me. thanks in advance
  10. Hello I have an order from one of my clients which would turn into a huge website with many daily visits and download/uploads. Now, I'm searching for a fine hosting solution. But what confuses me, is that, for such a project should I select a shared-hosting or a dedicated hosting? Because I need PHP 5.3 (most probably 5.4).....Please help me in this regard
  11. Hello everybody I don't know what should I do for cross-domain ajax request. Whatever I do does not work. For instance the following code just fails: $.ajax({ type : "GET", dataType : "jsonp", url : "myurl.com/file_to_process.php", data : "name=myName", success : function (msg) { console.log(msg); } error : function () { console.log("ERROR"); } }); the server PHP file: if(isset($_GET['name'])) { echo $_GET['callback']; } The above code always console.log "ERROR" and has made me mad. I have tried it with numerous tiny changes
  12. No it's not tag. it is category. as strong as category. Just the way I displayed conveyed the tag. No, it is category and I know what's their difference. thanks
  13. Hello everybody I'm developing a simple product-gallery website. Due to my client request, I should code it from scratch and don't use CMS such as wordpress. I wonder what is the best way for a product to have cateogries? Let me explain: I have product A which is a Laptop. It has following categories: ASUS, light, expensive, office, award-winner Each of the above words a category. For instance the cateogry "office" includes laptop appropriate for office and non-graphical tasks and the other words are explanatory as well. Then, I want to make a product table, what is the best solution for category field? Should I make a column for each cateogry, in that way I have to impose a limit on it. For instance 5 columns for category which makes it limited. Or, I should use only one category and separate them with comma. In that way I should use a little reg exp. What is your suggestion? thanks in advance
  14. Good answer. specially that of session save-address
  15. Hello everybody I'm developing a website. This website neither uses framework nor uses CMS, and I'm going totally bare with PHP. My question is that, is it ok to go with simple $_SESSION['username'] variable or for better performance (and of course more secure environment) I can go with some methods of encryption? Can anyone help me please. I want to see if there is a proper way of securing sessions. thanks in advance
  16. hello everybody I have developed a theme for wordpress based on a total direction given by my client. Now he says the design is not good; while I have totally followed his direction. Please check the site (language is in Persian, but we talk about colors and font size anyway) http://tarjom.ir/demo/pwp
  17. Hello everybody I'm beginning a site with CodeIgniter. I have sketched a template structure is photoshop. I need somebody checks the structure to see if it is proper for a well-structured site: Here is the picture of what I have in mind: Explanation: The site is three-columned when the user request the index.php -> it loads three parent section which are header, body, and footer. then, each section should load other pieces of of data. For instance the footer should load two other files called footer-copyright and footer-section(a bunch of foot-menus). Is this working?
  18. Hello I have written a mechanism to upload a file using AJAX technology (pure javascript) in CodeIgniter. Explanation: 1- I have written an scrip.js file which is responsible to handle AJAX/Javascript process of the upload. 2- I have written a controller in CodeIgniter which receives request from AJAX to upload the file. 3- I have written a simple HTML page PROBLEM: When I hit the upload button, simply nothing happens! No error is shown. Here are files: This is JAVASCRIPT // JavaScript Document var doUpload = function(event){ // globally used variables in this function var progressBar = document.getElementById('progressBar'); event.preventDefault(); // prevents the default action of an element event.stopPropagation(); // get the file-input id var fileId = document.getElementById('file'); // this variable makes an object which accept key/value pairs which could be sent via ajax.send var formObj = new FormData(); // append currently selected file to the dataObject formObj.append('file', fileId.files[0]); // this is a variable to check in the php script (controller if the codeIgniter is used) formObj.append('error-check', true); formObj.append('finish-check', true); // let's make the ajax request object var ajaxReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); // PROGRESS OF THE FILE ///////////////////////////////////////////// // now trigger a function during the progress-process of the file-upload process ajaxReq.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(event){ console.log('this is a very good.'); // first let's get the amount of the file loaded. it is in decimals var percent = event.loaded / event.total; // get the name of the element that the progress-indicator is outputted there if(event.lengthComputable) // if a file is inserted and everything is just OK for uploading { if(progressBar.hasChildNodes()) // cleans the div container for a new progress to display { progressBar.removeChild(progressBar.firsChild); } progressBar.appendChild(document.createTextNode('The Progress So Far: '+percent*100+' %')); } // END OF PROGRESS OF THE FILE ///////////////////////////////////////////// // LOAD OF THE FILE ///////////////////////////////////////////// ajaxReq.upload.addEventListener('load', function(event){ progressBar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Completed!")); }); // END OF LOAD OF THE FILE ///////////////////////////////////////////// // ERROR OF THE FILE ///////////////////////////////////////////// ajaxReq.upload.addEventListener('error', function(event){ progressBar.removeChild(); progressBar.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Failed to Upload the File.")); }); // END OF THE ERROR OF THE FILE ///////////////////////////////////////////// // JSON // OPEN THE AJAX REQUEST ajaxReq.open('POST', 'upload/uploader'); // Set the header of the POST request ajaxReq.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'); // send the file. remember, we shoud pass a formData object as an argument to the ajaxRequest.send(); ajaxReq.send(formObj); }); } window.addEventListener('load', function(event) { // get the submit id of the form var submitButton = document.getElementById('submit'); submitButton.addEventListener('click', doUpload); }); This is PHP Controller in CodeIgniter <?php class Upload extends CI_Controller { function index() { $this->load->view('pages/form'); } function uploader () { // define the required settings for the upload library to instanciate $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|doc|txt'; $config['max_size'] = 1024 * 8; $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; // load the upload library $this->load->library('upload', $config); if(!$this->upload->do_upload('file')) { $data['error'] = $this->upload->display_errors(); //$this->load->view('pages/form', $data); json_encode($data['error']); } else { $data['uploaded'] = $this->upload->data(); //$this->load->view('pages/form', $data); } } } This is the HTML <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Upload Form With Ajax</title> <script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>js/script.js" type='text/javascript'></script> </head> <body> <div id='error' style='color: red;height: 40px; width: 200px;'> <?php if(!empty($error)){echo $error; } ?> </div> <form id='form' name='form' enctype="multipart/form-data" > <input type='file' name='file' id='file'/> <input type='submit' name='submit' id='submit' value='Upload File' /> </form> <div style='height: 200px; width: 300px; color: red; padding: 10px; background-color: #CCC;' id='progressBar'></div> </body> </html>
  19. thanks very much.
  20. Hello everybody I have searched the net but have not understood the following question's answer perfectly. What is the difference between the event.preventDefault(); and event.stopPropagation(); in Javascript as it seems both of them deals with the default action of an element. Thanks in advance
  21. Thanks for your definitions. Is using Foundation good for Responsive Design?
  22. Hello everybody I wonder whether or not using a Responsive strategy is necessary when dealing with customer? I mean, is responsive design (now in 2013) a necessity and an inherent quality, or it is a very good extra option? Because, I'm new in web business, there are customers out there who mentions responsive design, while the rest of them, simply are careless about it. What shall I do for those who are careless and ignore responsive design? Shall I go on and only consider desktop users or consider mobile users as well? For web design, is it good to use Frameworks such as Foundation, or simply coding from the scratch? An extra question, why some website offer a separate sub-domain to mobile, when it is possible to achieve it with responsive web design? (for instance, m.facebook.com). Thanks in advance
  23. Hello everybody I have written following plugin: (function(){ var cont = $("#container"); $.fn.doTabs = function(options){ var options = $.extend({ startTab : 1 }) return this.each(function(){ // here goes the rest of the code }) }) } })(jQuery) When I call it like this: $("#container").doTabs(); it works. But When I call it with a parameter passed to it, it works as if no parameter is passed.(like this:) $("#container").doTabs({startTab: 3}); What shall I do? Thanks in advance
  24. Excellent link. Thanks a lot.
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