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  1. **RESOLVED** I just found out that it's the Disqus Javascript code that is effecting the MySQL Update script - Does anyone have any ideas wy this might be???
  2. <?php $page = 'blog' ?> <?php include("include/site-php.php"); ?> <?php $post = $_GET["p"]; ?> <?php mysql_query("UPDATE blogs SET views = views + 1 WHERE id = $post"); ?> <?php $get_blogs_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blogs WHERE id = $post") or die(mysql_error()); while ($blogs = mysql_fetch_array($get_blogs_sql)) { $blog_id = $blogs['id']; $blog_title = $blogs['title']; $blog_photo = $blogs['photo']; $blog_photographer = $blogs['photographer']; $blog_photo_url = $blogs['photographer_url']; $blog_blog = nl2br(substr($blogs['blog'], 0,600)); $blog_cat_name = $blogs['cat_name']; $blog_cat_type = $blogs['cat_type']; $blog_date = $blogs['date']; $blog_views = $blogs['views']; $blog_date = date("l dS M Y",strtotime($blog_date)); $blog_title_string = str_replace(" ","-",$blog_title); $blog_title_string = strtolower($blog_title_string); if ($blog_photographer == '') { $blog_photographer_info = ""; } else { $blog_photographer_info = "<div class=\"photoBy\">Photo by: <a href=\"$blog_photo_url\" target=\"_blank\">$blog_photographer</a></div>"; }; $display_blog .= " <div class=\"blogSection\"> <div class=\"blogTop\"></div> <div class=\"blogMiddle\"> <div class=\"blog\"> <div class=\"blogTitle\"><h1><a href=\"$site_url/blog.php?p=$blog_id&t=$blog_title_string\">$blog_title</a></h1></div> <div class=\"blogDetails\"> <div class=\"blogInfo blogDate\">$blog_date</div> <div class=\"blogInfo blogCategory\">Posted In <a href=\"blogs.php?category=$blog_cat_type\">$blog_cat_name</a></div> <div class=\"blogInfo blogViews\">$blog_views Views</div> <div class=\"clearLeft\"></div> </div> <div class=\"blogPhoto\"> <img src=\"images/$blog_photo\"/> $blog_photographer_info </div> <div class=\"blogContents\">$blog_blog</div> </div> </div> <div class=\"blogBottom\"></div> </div> "; } ?> <?php $get_about_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blog_about") or die(mysql_error()); while ($about = mysql_fetch_array($get_about_sql)) { $blog_about = $about['about']; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <?php include("include/head.php"); ?> <!--Style--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/blogs.css" /> </head> <body> <a id="top" name="top"></a> <?php include "include/header.php"; ?> <div id="pageHolder"> <div id="pageInner"> <div id="mainColumn"> <div id="mainContentHolder"> <?php echo $display_blog; ?> <div class="blogSection"> <div class="blogTop"></div> <div class="blogMiddle"> <div id="subscribe"> <div class="postSubscribe">Did You Enjoy This Post? 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  3. I've posted the code: <?php mysql_query("UPDATE blogs SET views = views + 1 WHERE id = $post"); ?> I'm updating the views column in my blog table where the id is the same as p in the URL (http://blog.local.co.uk/blog.php?p=1)
  4. Hi Beeeeney, Thanks for the response. The url stays exactly the same every time I visit I basically go from http://blog.local.co.uk/blogs.php to http://blog.local.co.uk/blog.php?p=1&t=title-for-the-blog which works, but then when I leave back to the home page it seems to run again so when I go back to the blog it has gone up by 2, i'e. the first time I visit it goes to 1 view and if I leave and come back again it has 3 views.
  5. Hi, I'm developing a website with a simple page views counter running php & mysql. Here is the code that I have: <?php mysql_query("UPDATE blogs SET views = views + 1 WHERE id = $post"); ?> This is working correctly when I visit the page as the count increases by 1, but if I refresh the page it doubles and if I leave the page it runs again. It's like it is running when I enter the pade and then running again when I leave it. I know there must be a simple solution or a minor error that I have made somewhere but I can't figure out what it is. Can someone please help me with this. Thank you in advance
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