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Everything posted by BeFreebies

  1. Okay - thank you for your help. I don't know how to find it but at least I know what I am looking for thanks to your help.
  2. Thank you so much for the help. I changed it, I think like you suggested, and where the left banner sits is perfect, but it seems to push down the remainder of the page. How do I tell it not to do that? (thanks again)
  3. I am sorry -- I have struggled with this for days but I do not really understand it. As I said, this was a template and I have managed to botch it up pretty good. Most of everything on that page is from the original template. I personally added the code to add the ad banners a few days ago and have tried almost nonstop to get them to work. I have tried many different things. Are you saying I should use float:left instead of "position"?
  4. I have been strugling with the same problem for a few days now and I am about to give up. I have a website from a template and I am trying to insert vertical banners into the site (http://www.befreebies.com) and the only way I could figure out how to do that was with the code listed below, but when I resize the browser window the vertical banners float on the page, usually exactly over something I don't want to cover. I have googled and fiddled for days and I don't want to sound lazy... but is there anyone who can tell me if there a way to do this with CSS that that tells it to change its size and position on the page if I resize the screen? Thanks in advance. <DIV ID="Banner" style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:250px; left:1245px"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = (((my banner goes here))) </div> Thanks.
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