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Everything posted by amankaurm

  1. Here is PHP Code where data is inserted in database function addOnlineUser($PostApply,$name,$fathername,$email,$dob,$Uniq_Id,$age_on_year,$age_on_month,$age_on_day, $ImgVal, $subBoard, $subPassYear, $subHigherQ , $Exservice,$Ex_Served, $Ex_yr, $Ex_mon, $Ex_day, $Designation, $PwdPc, $HHOH, $disability, $OrgCat, $subDDVal, $subDDIPO_NO, $subDDIPO_Date, $subDDIPO_Amount,$subDDIPO_Branch, $Lang,$Nation,$subNationOthers, $subPermanentAddLine1, $subPermanentAddLine2,$subPermanentCity, $subPermanentState,$subPermanentPincode, $subPresentAddLine1, $subPresentAddLine2,$subPresentCity, $subPresentState,$subPresentPincode, $subCity, $subDistrict, $subState, $subCommunity , $subStation, $TodayDate ){ date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Calcutta'); $DateTime = date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'); mysql_query('LOCK TABLES user'); mysql_query('LOCK TABLES usereducation'); $UserId = $Uniq_Id; $q = "INSERT INTO ".TBL_USER."(UserId,postapply,name,fathername,email,dob,uniq_Id,age_on_year,age_on_month,age_on_day,imgval, exserviceman,ex_Served,ex_yr,ex_mon,ex_day,ex_Designation,pwdpc,hhoh,pwdpc_disability,org_cat, dd_ipo,ddipo_NO,ddipo_Date,ddipo_Amount,ddipo_Branch, lang_id,nation_id,nationothers, station,TodayDate ) VALUES ('$UserId','$PostApply','$name', '$fathername', '$email','$dob','$Uniq_Id',$age_on_year,$age_on_month,$age_on_day,'$ImgVal', $Exservice,'$Ex_Served',$Ex_yr,$Ex_mon,$Ex_day,'$Designation',$PwdPc,$HHOH,'$disability',$OrgCat, '$subDDVal','$subDDIPO_NO','$subDDIPO_Date',$subDDIPO_Amount,'$subDDIPO_Branch', $Lang,$Nation,'$subNationOthers', '$subStation', '$TodayDate' )"; $result = mysql_query($q, $this->connection); $uid = mysql_insert_id(); $p = "INSERT INTO ".TBL_USEREDUCATION."(user_uniqid, board, board_passyr, HigherQ , PermanentAddLine1, PermanentAddLine2, PermanentCity, PermanentState, PermanentPincode, PresentAddLine1, PresentAddLine2, PresentCity, PresentState, PresentPincode, Time, city, district, state, community ) VALUES ('$Uniq_Id','$subBoard',$subPassYear, '$subHigherQ' , '$subPermanentAddLine1', '$subPermanentAddLine2','$subPermanentCity', '$subPermanentState',$subPermanentPincode, '$subPresentAddLine1', '$subPresentAddLine2','$subPresentCity', '$subPresentState',$subPresentPincode, '$DateTime', '$subCity', '$subDistrict', '$subState', '$subCommunity' )"; $resultP = mysql_query($p, $this->connection); $UserId = $this->AutoUserId($PostApply,$uid); $up_id = "UPDATE ".TBL_USER." SET UserId = '$UserId' WHERE Uniq_Id = '$Uniq_Id'"; mysql_query($up_id, $this->connection); /* Error occurred, return given name by default */ if(!$result){ $Delq = "DELETE FROM ".TBL_USEREDUCATION." WHERE user_uniqid = '$Uniq_Id'"; mysql_query($Delq, $this->connection); } if(!$resultP){ $DelP = "DELETE FROM ".TBL_USER." WHERE uniq_Id = '$Uniq_Id'"; mysql_query($DelP, $this->connection); } mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES'); if(!$result || !$resultP){ return NULL; } return $result; }
  2. actually problem comes here in this function coz earlier all conditions ar checked then data come here in this function to insert in database. here i enter data in 2 tables.... function addOnlineUser(......){ mysql_query('LOCK TABLES user'); mysql_query('LOCK TABLES usereducation'); Sql = "INSERT.......user....." $uid = mysql_insert_id(); Sql = "INSERT.......usereducation... .." .........so and so....... $UserId = $this->AutoUserId($PostApply,$uid); mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES'); //function END user_id field is auto increment and primary key.....and UserId field is made like(12LAB00025 .. 12 is Year , LAB is Post, 000025 is serial number). see in my previous post user_id UserId Name Time 18 12LAB00019 Vijay 24Nov 2012 02:11:34PM 19 12LAB00019 Vijay 24Nov 2012 02:11:34PM Double Record entered in Database here i generate UserId - $uid = mysql_insert_id(); $UserId = $this->AutoUserId($PostApply,$uid);
  3. hello I am faceing one problem in my project. Data entered by user here UserId is unique auto increment by code ************************ UserId Name Time 12LAB00019 Vijay 24Nov 2012 02:11:34PM 12LAB00019 Vijay 24Nov 2012 02:11:34PM one user get same UserId in database table it store as UID - This is auto increment UID UserId Name Time 18 12LAB00019 Vijay 24Nov 2012 02:11:34PM 19 12LAB00019 Vijay 24Nov 2012 02:11:34PM Double Record entered in Database ***************************** This is another big problem that one user entered so many time from 5234 to 5248 all ids are taken by this user UserId Name Time 12LAB05234 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:25PM 12LAB05234 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:25PM 12LAB05237 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:26PM 12LAB05237 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:26PM 12LAB05237 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:26PM 12LAB05239 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:27PM 12LAB05239 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:27PM 12LAB05242 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:28PM 12LAB05242 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:28PM 12LAB05242 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:28PM 12LAB05244 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:29PM 12LAB05244 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:29PM 12LAB05246 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:32PM 12LAB05246 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:32PM 12LAB05248 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:33PM 12LAB05248 Jay Kumar 30Nov 2012 5:00:33PM In Admin section this data is coming in such a way ... please suggest me solution
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