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Everything posted by PersianHero

  1. I'm here to learn something new from you. Are you supposed to blame me or solve my problem? If I were you, I would help someone who needs my help rather than...! I think here is not right place to solve the problem. I marked the topic as solved. Please delete this topic. Thanks
  2. Yes i did. But it was in professional way. I'm amateur mate.
  3. I know I should use cURL function rather than file_get_contents but i don't know how. I'd appreciate if someone can change this code to "cURL" function. <?php if(!empty($_GET['id']) || !empty($_GET['img']) ) { $status = file_get_contents("http://mail.opi.yahoo.com/online?u=".$_GET['id']."&m=a&t=1"); $file = './icon/'.$status.'/'.$_GET['img'].'.gif'; if(is_file($file)) { header("Content-type: image/gif"); readfile($file); } } ?>
  4. I did but sadly i couldn't manage to do that. Can anyone help me to change this function to "cURL"?
  5. I'm not goot at programming. Can you help me please?
  6. I've just moved to new server and got this error due to webmaster has disabled this function(because of security reasons): Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/public_html/files/ym/status.php on line 3 Here is the content of status.php: <?php if(!empty($_GET['id']) || !empty($_GET['img']) ) { $status = file_get_contents("http://mail.opi.yahoo.com/online?u=".$_GET['id']."&m=a&t=1"); $file = './icon/'.$status.'/'.$_GET['img'].'.gif'; if(is_file($file)) { header("Content-type: image/gif"); readfile($file); } } ?> Does any one can help me out to change this function or create new code to do so? ------- More information: I put this code into index.html to call status.php <a href="ymsgr:sendim?yahooID"><div id="product" style="background:url(ym/status.php?id=yahooID&img=sup1) 0 0 no-repeat;"> I appreciate sharing your knowledge P.S. I've attached entire of /ym folder
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