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Posts posted by MikeEvans

  1. I'd look into using a DOM parser. Regular expressions are terrible for HTML parsing. What you're looking for seems fairly simple, but I personally am horrible at regular expressions and all the PHP functions that go with - but I'd say if the function you're using returns a boolean instead of the value you want... it's the wrong function.


    Could you maybe provide me with a template using DOM parser that is equal to the regex code I provided ?

  2. Um, don't try to store the price as a boolean. Boolean means true/false (0/1). If you want anything other than 0/1, you need to change your database field to a type that makes sense...like Decimal(5,2). You may need up to (10,2) or so, not sure how high your prices go.


    My database is storing decimal values, its the array that is stored automatically as boolean because I used preg_match_all function.

  3. Hello I am new to this forum, so I am not sure if I have done this write by starting a new topic, if I was not supposed to start a new topic apologies in advance.


    Basically I want to get a price from a website and update my database with that value in the correct field.


    So far I have managed to get the price and update the database. However the price is stored as boolean format so when I output the variable it says "0" or "1" and when the database is updated it says "0" or "1".


    Here is my working code so far. I have tried using intval, doubleval and data type castings but obviously they equal the boolean value.


    $url = 'a website goes here';

    $html = file_get_contents($url);

    $search = '/<span class="price">(.*?)<\/span>/';

    preg_match_all($search, $html, $matches);

    $price = array_shift($matches[0]);

    $price1 = str_replace("£","",$price);

    $price2 = str_replace(',','', $price1);

    $price3 = str_replace(".","",$price2);



    MySQL query is okay as it is.


    It would be great if you could help me with this code, thanks in advance.

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