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Everything posted by MikeEvans

  1. Could you maybe provide me with a template using DOM parser that is equal to the regex code I provided ?
  2. My database is storing decimal values, its the array that is stored automatically as boolean because I used preg_match_all function.
  3. Hello I am new to this forum, so I am not sure if I have done this write by starting a new topic, if I was not supposed to start a new topic apologies in advance. Basically I want to get a price from a website and update my database with that value in the correct field. So far I have managed to get the price and update the database. However the price is stored as boolean format so when I output the variable it says "0" or "1" and when the database is updated it says "0" or "1". Here is my working code so far. I have tried using intval, doubleval and data type castings but obviously they equal the boolean value. $url = 'a website goes here'; $html = file_get_contents($url); $search = '/<span class="price">(.*?)<\/span>/'; preg_match_all($search, $html, $matches); $price = array_shift($matches[0]); $price1 = str_replace("£","",$price); $price2 = str_replace(',','', $price1); $price3 = str_replace(".","",$price2); print_r($price3); MySQL query is okay as it is. It would be great if you could help me with this code, thanks in advance.
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