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Everything posted by bmwhite4

  1. Thank you that helped like a charm!! I appriciate all the info and help.
  2. Can you tell me what the as $k=> $v does? When I change to that I get this new error. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$k' (T_VARIABLE) in ...
  3. I also tried changing to: $movien = $item['MovieName']; echo $movien, '<br /><br />'; and did a var_dump($movien). I still get the errors Warning: Illegal string offset 'MovieName' in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 174 1 The var_dump gives me this: string(1) "1", That leads me to believe that I am trying to access it the wrong way. When I change it to this I get this error. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ''APIParameters'' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 173
  4. OK, did that and I get: Array ( [APIParameters] => Array ( [Count] => 1 [MinimumRating] => [MaximumRating] => [Actor] => [Movie] => [Director] => [MPAARating] => [Year] => ) [Found] => 1 [Movies] => [Actors] => [Directors] => [MovieReviews] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [MovieName] => Snitch [ActorName] => Dwayne Johnson, Susan Sarandon, Jon Bernthal, Barry Pepper, Benjamin Bratt [ReleaseDate] => [Rating] => 3 [Director] => Ric Roman Waugh [Distributor] => Summit Entertainment [MPAARating] => Rated PG-13 [Reviewer] => Claudia Puig [brief] => [Review] => Drama and suspense fuel a surprisingly effective thriller, more than car chases and action. [ReviewDate] => 2/21/2013 6:43:51 PM [WebUrl] => http://apidata.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2013/02/21/snitch-review/1921585/?kjnd=sjYkpHRx36xdI9nIUF4zSCO%2FS2NYJcmTa6F9PLrc24q0%2Bl7arQI9wplXLuRz3SUd-b0f6a17a-8cfd-42f3-8fb5-cbde99aef18b_skg4aYQUcUFeiN%2BIahUNjdRHHad1jo%2FUFxTimTSnEfYiZaZvuPCsFTZ5xdvlyL8G [id] => 850575 ) ) ) I have been trying to test by getting the movie name first. IT is the MovieName that I am trying to pull. I have no idea what I am doing wrong here. Here is the warning from $movien = (string)$item['MovieName']; Warning: Illegal string offset 'MovieName' in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 174 This is what I get from echo $movien 1 This is from: var_dump($item['Movie'].'<br />'); Warning: Illegal string offset 'Movie' in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 176 string(7) "1 " I still just do not know.
  5. I am trying to pull movie reviews from the USA Times. I am still a newbie at PHP and this is driving me crazy. I have been working this for more than a week now and can not figure it out. Any suggestions would be great. I am able to connect, pull the data, and do the $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $apiRequest); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $cresult = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); $cdata = json_decode($cresult, true); echo ("curl results:"),'<br />'; echo $cresult; echo ("end curl"),'<br />'; This returns the following: curl results: {"APIParameters":{"Count":"1","MinimumRating":"","MaximumRating":"","Actor":"","Movie":"","Director":"","MPAARating":"","Year":""},"Found":1,"Movies":null,"Actors":null,"Directors":null,"MovieReviews":[{"MovieName":"Snitch","ActorName":"Dwayne Johnson, Susan Sarandon, Jon Bernthal, Barry Pepper, Benjamin Bratt","ReleaseDate":"","Rating":"3","Director":"Ric Roman Waugh","Distributor":"Summit Entertainment","MPAARating":"Rated PG-13","Reviewer":"Claudia Puig","Brief":null,"Review":"\u003cp\u003eDrama and suspense fuel a surprisingly effective thriller, more than car chases and action.\u003c/p\u003e","ReviewDate":"2/21/2013 6:43:51 PM","WebUrl":"http://apidata.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2013/02/21/snitch-review/1921585/?kjnd=JbPObtXsOdWL9gAh55Q6rHUAwsnktpji2GmaoiSpssYpIbvC7pn8S4POyQMm5y5E-4a605af0-b70c-425d-be7a-bf6e6332fc3e_YPNGs3E%2FdTm%2Bx6eBoZ2UH0rq6YrNqBght%2Bd0UMQH9YiS5EWn%2FTJD8rKl%2FRltfQrL","Id":850575}]}end curl Then to display the actual data from the API: if ($query != 0) { echo '<h2 class="mainHeading">Results of your search for <strong>'.$query.'</strong> (Showing '.$query.' out of a possible '.$query.' matches)</h2>'."\n"; echo '<ol>'."\n"; foreach($cdata['APIParameters'] as $item){ $movien = (string)$item['MovieName']; echo $movien; var_dump($item['Movie'].'<br />'); } echo '</ol>'."\n"; echo '<p class="control"><a href="'.basename(__FILE__).'" class="refresh">Reset the page</a></p>'."\n"; $i = $i + 1; } else { echo '<h2 class="mainHeading">No results for <strong>'.$query.'</strong>.</h2>'."\n"; echo '<p class="control"><a href="'.basename(__FILE__).'" class="refresh">Reset the page</a></p>'."\n"; } This gives me the following errors: Results of your search for 1 (Showing 1 out of a possible 1 matches) Warning: Illegal string offset 'MovieName' in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 173 1 Warning: Illegal string offset 'Movie' in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 175 string(7) "1 " Warning: Illegal string offset 'MovieName' in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 173 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 173 Warning: Illegal string offset 'Movie' in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 175 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 175 string(6) " " Warning: Illegal string offset 'MovieName' in C:\wamp2\www\websearch\USASearch2.php on line 173
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