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Everything posted by WesL

  1. I'm trying to copy an image/file from one website to a directory in another, using the URL for the source image/file. I'm not sure which PHP function to use. Does anyone have a suggestion?
  2. Hi guys, Does anyone have an idea of how I could write a script to automatically thumbnail a video file? I'm not looking for someone to do it for me, just help point me in the right direction. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks Wes
  3. I did something similar with a sight that I'm working on right now. I was pasing the 'order number' on to the following page(s) and calling certain fields from the MySQL db. I used a variable of $ID as the variable to track I used a hyper link: echo "<a href='phpscript.php?pid=$id'> Click here to continue with order # $id </a>"; Using a '?' after the *.php page name allows to you send variables to the next page and have those variables acted on. Next, we need to receive the info: $id = $_GET['pid']; $result=mysql_query("SELCT * FROM images WHERE id={$id}"); Good Luck
  4. give the a try </head> <body bgcolor="282828" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> your code </body> should give you a smokey gray/black background. Cheers
  5. Have attempted to declare them as global variables prior to showing them on the page?
  6. Thank you...that solved the error problem that I was having. However, the end result is not what I expected. Rather than only the records that belong to that user, I'm getting a list of all records in the database regardless of who they belong to. Any Suggestions would be appreciated.
  7. I have a log-in script that after loging in takes the user to a 'product page.' On that 'product page' it says "Welcome 'username' " and that part works fine. What I'm trying to add to the page for a list of the users $rows in a MySQL db to show on the page also. This is the code I'm using welcome or kick the user. (this one works fine) <?php if(!$_SESSION['username'] && !$_SESSION['password']) { echo '<span style="border: #000 1px solid; background-color: #CCCCCC"> <center>Welcome, <b>'.$username.'</b> Redirecting you....</center></span> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;URL=pass/index.php" />'; } else { echo 'Welcome '.$_SESSION['username'].''; }?> This is the code I trying to use that'll pull the info from the db <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE user="$_SESSION[.'username'.]" Order By id"; include("config.php"); $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_close(); $output = " <html> <body> <table> <thead> <td>Id/Order</td> <td>Address</td> </tr> </thead> "; I might mention that the 2nd bit of code works fine when I hard code in a User's ID...so I know that it's seeing the db, it just when I try to re-use the variable of username that I get this error. Any suggestions would be great.
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