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  1. Thank you Zane for detailed reply. My question now is that if I will test any website on samsung glaxy safari browser, will it work same on ipad safari too? I know there is resolution difference but is it only difference or there are some more?
  2. hi, i am basically a php/cakephp programmer and I want an advice regarding tab. Being a developer which is better to buy. ipad or samsung glaxy tab? Samsung glaxy tab is economical but does it has any disadvantage over ipad for web developers?
  3. if user has allowed our app but is logged in with another facebook account, then can we still post on his wall for his allowed facebook account?
  4. Thank you jcbones for such a detailed solution. Though I ended up setting the php $allRideOfferPlaces for view file and did all google map related task in view and later created the js array and sent back that js array using ajax to controller function which fetched its view for my required results.
  5. I would like to actually put my real problem as odd numbers confused others. Here is what I want to achieve within controller function. //a controller function function getPlaces(){ $allRideOfferPlaces = $this->rideOffer->find('all'); foreach($allRideOfferPlaces as $place){ //how can I call google api for returning lat/long information of $place } }
  6. I don't want to get odd numbers from javascript. I just tried to explain my problem in a very simple way. My focus isn't on getting odd numbers but communicating with jquery from within controller's function.
  7. I don't want to get odd numbers from javascript. I just tried to explain my problem in a very simple way. My focus isn't on getting odd numbers but communicating with jquery from within controller's function.
  8. Hello experts. My question might be simple but I am stuck on it since yesterday. I have little complex thing to do but the basic issue for me at the moment is this //A controller function function getOdds(){ $numbers = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9); //pass these numbers to jquery for returning odd numbers. How can I pass these numbers to jquery and get back results in this same controller function? $oddNumbers = ..do what here to get jquery result..? }
  9. Hi, I have a question relating nyromodal jquery plugin. I want to show 3 nyromodal popups but only one at a time. Please see this code http://pastie.org/7702429 . Currently they all appears together. How can I do this one by one?
  10. just wanting to elaborate it more. The results which are displayed by googel api in autocompleted dropdown, also contains the locations which have no longitude/latitude values. How can I remove such locations from autocomplete dropdown? Have someone encountered this issue before
  11. I am using google map api and its autocomplete feature as well. When google tells about results it returns even the results/location having no latitude or longitude information. How can I remove such location suggestions in autocomplete dropdown?
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