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Everything posted by blacknight

  1. if (isset($guildRanks[$char['Rank']]['Title'])){ $rnk = $guildRanks[$char['Rank']]['Title']; }else{ $rnk = $guildRanks[$char['Rank']]; } $guildRanks is the defined array
  2. ok i have an array that deines things by number fro example array( {1] = "NooB", [2] = "Expert" ) but then its sapose to be inserted in to the database all i get is the first lettera nd i have no i dea why this is happaning because i can echo the same value and it shows as the fill value any ideas or help please
  3. have a llook here https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_additional-payment-overview-outside this may help you out
  4. its ok if yall dont understand i got it figured out i made an array if the fields in the new table and compared them to the old one and mafe a for loop to alter the old table adding the new fields to it :)
  5. ok i need help i have a page i have coded and i have made a newer version and added collums to the table how would i go about comparing the 2 tables colums and adding the missing collums to a array to be used in an alter table query this is the old structure [code]            CREATE TABLE `tablename`             `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,             `file` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',             `caption` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',             `ext` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',             `catagory` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',             `approve` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',             PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)             ) [/code] and this si the new one [code]            CREATE TABLE `".ROSTER_SCREENTABLE."` (             `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,             `file` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',             `caption` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',             `ext` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',             `catagory` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',             `approve` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',             `votes` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',             `rateing` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',             PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)             ) [/code] any help guys
  6. all that you have asked is possable using gd support to resize the image but gd only support some file types not all i think can post a script i use and you can alter it if you want
  7. is there a code that will let me check if uploads are on in the php.ini i have tryed function_exists() but dosent work any one know this one?
  8. im tryingt to make an upgrade script for a database and need to see if spacific colums are present in the table i have tryed [code]$sql_str = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM table_name LIKE 'approved'"; $this->setSqlDebug("checkcolumDb: $sql_str");       $result = $wowdb->query($sql_str);       if ($wowdb->num_rows($result) == 0){       echo "no colum";       $t++;             }[/code] but no column is allways echoed if it exists or not i need tit to not return if it does any one have any help?
  9. we have a database where we store computer parts and we use these parts to build systems this is what i need to know say i have somthen like this video card x 10 mobo        x 5 Ram        x 7 Hdd          x 9 no by looking at this i can see that i can make 5 systems but i was a php script that compares up to 10 compoments and tells me how many i can make can some one help me with this?
  10. yes i understand the numbers axualt represent money being 9999 gold peaces 99 sulver and 99 bronze being the most someone can get and 1 bronze being the least i will see what i can figure out from the code given to me...
  11. ook we finaly hit a snage when a veriiable id 4 characters or less it automaticalyt asumes its all one number is there a fix for teis so 5525 reads as 55 25 not 5525 as the first number where 55 should be the second and 25 the 3rd and the 1st being empty?
  12. ok we got er thanks guys we needed this for a world of warcraft guild page for reward money for quests :) the fancarian solution thanks you
  13. ok that achived the desired affect now to go farther is there a way to seperate the numbers in to there own veriables like $var1 $var2 $var3 ?
  14. have you thought of sessions or cookies?
  15. ok i need to format a number string foing from the right say example 62500 need to be formated to 6 25 00 reasion for being this is for a game site where the 00 is lesser then the 25 and the 6 can go as high as 9999 any ideas?
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