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Everything posted by managerstats

  1. Thank you Mac_Gyver! you absolute beauty, this solved it. Thank you all for your help, this has had me going insane all day, happy Friday and have a good weekend all.
  2. Added mysql_query() Just returning blank, but this time with the HTML and no results (see above link)
  3. Not sure how to implement the mysql_error() (newb)
  4. The backtick around the table name worked at removing the error notice but not fetching any results http://managerstats.co.uk/tests/?manager=Micky Adams Maybe something in the query itself?
  5. When you are logged into your site, look under Appearance > Menus. You may be fetching the Nav from there. Which is essentially the best place to control your sites navigation as opposed to your header.php file
  6. <ol> <?php include '../globals.php'; $manager = $_GET['manager']; $query = "SELECT 'manager' FROM 'tablename' WHERE manager='.$manager.' "; $rs = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { echo '<li>' . $row['manager'] . '</strong> '; echo '<strong>' . $row['won'] . '</strong> '; echo '<strong>' . $row['drawn'] . '</strong> '; echo '<strong>' . $row['lost'] . '</strong> '; echo '<strong>' . $row['total'] . '</strong> '; echo '<strong>' . $row['club'] . '</strong></li> '; } mysql_close(); ?> </ol> I have been around in circles trying to solve this without success. Essentially I am trying to set up anchors such as; <a href="sitename.com/?manager=Micky Adams">Micky Adams</a> But I get; Can someone please point me in the right direction or let me know where I have gone wrong in my code?
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