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Posts posted by crimsonmoon

  1. I use Frontpage at work. I know it's not the best but I've always liked it because I just use the code view to hard code the php. I like the built in FTP functionality.

    Now I need something for home to code with.

    I'm willing to buy something but if there is a free editor I'm all for that.

    I like some I've seen where the PHP is actually color coded but so far they lack any good FTP functionality.

    I tried PHP Designer 2006 Beta and it was nice but I the FTP functionality wasn't all that great.

    So I thought why not ask all the PHP coders out there how you do it.
  2. I run a site where I don't allow my users to have multiple accounts. I watch out for this via pulling the IP address from PHP. Well I now have users using proxy server sites like this: http://freeproxyserver.net/  To get by my tracking methods.

    Is there anything I can do to stop them from using these sites. Is there a list of proxy server IP's I could just block?

    What does everyone else do?

    If you IP Banned someone they could just go to one of these sites and they are back in.
  3. Well still no luck. I even redesigned my script to pull a code from the DB to display that only changes once per hour. It's working for most but I still get a small group where it doesn't.

    It almost has to be a caching issue.

    Any suggestions?
  4. I run a site and every so often I'll check the user to make sure they are not a program by displaying an image using GD and have them click the button that matches the image.

    Heres the image generation code.

    [code]$image = imagecreate(140, 30);

    $white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
    $gray = imagecolorallocate($image, 210, 210, 210);
    $black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);

    $string = "text code pulled from database here";

    for ($i=0; $i<25; $i++) {
      $x1 = rand(0,140);
      $y1 = rand(0,30);
      $x2 = rand(0,140);
      $y2 = rand(0,30);
      imageline($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 , $gray); 

    $size = rand(4, 5);
    $x = rand(12 , 80);
    $y = rand(7 , 12);

    imagestring($image, $size, $x, $y, $string , $black);


    I call this page by doing this:

    [code] <img src=\"page.php?user=$userid\"/>[/code]

    This works for the most part.

    It works great for me and does great for some of my users but some are reporting that sometimes the image doesn't match up to the choices. I can't get it to do it on me so I'm thinking it could be something to do with the cache settings on their browsers.

    Am I using the image correct? Any ideas on what could be causing this?
  5. Ok i have a php scrit where a checkbox is named box.

    It's been working where if $_POST[box] == "yes" then do something.

    well I want to now have it where if $_POST[box] == "yes" && $_POST[box2] == "no" then do something.

    I don't think the no is working because it's not hitting it.

    Any suggestions? Or what the right option for an unchecked box is?
  6. What is the best most full proof method of IP logging. I log IP's and can ban those but then someone can always just spoof that IP and change it going around my ban.

    Any suggestions?

    How do those of you who run sites get and manage your players IP's?
  7. THX:)

    Well the site is on my dedicated server. Any way I can look at this.

    It's not happening all the time. I don't get any complaints about pages not loading.

    I wonder is someone isn't using some auto click script or some form of proxy software?
  8. I keep getting error logs in my cpanel with garbage added to the end of my php scripts. Obviously the file cannot be found. Hence the error. What could be doing this.


    Is an example.

    It's not wide spread as nobody complains.

    Is this some kind of software doing this that I should be concerned with.

  9. I see this post is old but I too would love a solution like this.


    My question is what happens if my hard drive (I only have one) crashes then those backups I had stored anyways is gone.


    I prefer to dl them to my computer with plenty of space and then I occasionally burn them to DVD-R.


    My server is A Fedora Linux server.


    My system at home is a workstation running Win XP.

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