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Everything posted by nochlux

  1. my question was why POST doesn't work while it should work since I put the POST for form method As you can see, it is written as GET, and its actually working, thats why I am asking why this problem is happening
  2. the script works, but I wanted to simplify the code if possible! <div id="bottom"> <img src="test.png" id="test" usemap="#testmap" width="0" height="0" border="0" style="position: relative; top:-0px; visibility: hidden;"> <img src="test.png" id="test2" usemap="#testmap" width="0" height="0" border="0" style="position: relative; top:-0px; visibility: hidden;"> <map name="test"> <form method="post" target ="top> <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,1,1" onmouseover="display(1);" href="test.php?id=0000"> </map> <map name="test2"> <form method="post" target ="top> <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,1,1" onmouseover="display(1);" href="test.php?id=0000"> </map> </form> </div> now on my php pg, i have this if(!empty($_GET['id'])) { $id=$_GET['id'] } if I write this script and run, it works when I use get, but it will not when I replace it POST. How can i fix the html page, for div, form, and map? Thank you
  3. out of notepad++, komodo, and aptana, what do you recommend/prefer?
  4. Suppose on my html page i have this code: <map name="example"> <form method="post"> <area shape="" coords="" href="ex.php?id=0000" > </form> </map> now on my php pg, if(!empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; } if i write this script and run, it works, but if I replace to POST instead of GET, the page will not work, becomes a blank pg. Anyone knowing what i'm doing wrong?
  5. Suppose I have this code $num = $_SESSION['count']; $_SESSION['a'][$num] = $a_letter; $_SESSION['b'][$num] = $b_letter; $_SESSION['c'][$num] = $c_letter; $_SESSION['d'][$num] = $d_letter; $_SESSION['e'][$num] = $e_letter; $_SESSION['f'][$num] = $f_letter; if(!exists) { $num = $_SESSION['count']; $_SESSION['a'][$num] = $a_letter; $_SESSION['b'][$num] = $b_letter; $_SESSION['c'][$num] = $c_letter; $_SESSION['d'][$num] = $d_letter; $_SESSION['e'][$num] = $e_letter; $_SESSION['f'][$num] = $f_letter; } else { $num = $_SESSION['count']; $_SESSION['a'][$num] = $a_letter; $_SESSION['b'][$num] = $b_letter; $_SESSION['c'][$num] = $c_letter; $_SESSION['d'][$num] = $d_letter; $_SESSION['e'][$num] = $e_letter; $_SESSION['f'][$num] = $f_letter; } Now I don't want those codes to copy paste repetitively, but instead I want to come up with a function - So I probably have to create a function in php then?? function list () { $num = $_SESSION['count']; $_SESSION['a'][$num] = $a_letter; $_SESSION['b'][$num] = $b_letter; $_SESSION['c'][$num] = $c_letter; $_SESSION['d'][$num] = $d_letter; $_SESSION['e'][$num] = $e_letter; $_SESSION['f'][$num] = $f_letter; } $value = function list(); if (!exists) { $value } else { $value } How does this work please?
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