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Everything posted by DavidKing0r

  1. Hi, In my table I wish to have a list of items and have it updated via a form. From what I know I cannot just use UPDATE as it will overwrite whatever is in the field already. Example of what I would like to achieve. ID | Name | List 1 | One | blah.com, blah1.com, blah2.com 2 | Two | blah3.com, blah4.com, blah5.com How would I add more to the LIST without removing the ones already in it? And also how would I display it as a list 1, 2, 3.... etc. Cheers.
  2. Thanks i gathered that having a bit of trouble now though. Heres what I have in my Table for example. No | Short Name | Long Name 21421414 | Treble blah tree | Treble tree with a blah ring 52352352 | wqe weqwe | wqe weqwe weqrqwr rwqr qw Im now trying to search the short name with $query = "SELECT * FROM DB WHERE 'Short Item Name' LIKE '%$searchTerm1%' AND '%$searchTerm2%'"; However it doesnt appear to work any ideas?
  3. Hi. I have a rather large database and i require to search 'Short Item Name' for keywords (2/3 words). Not all 3 words need to be in each result. Also I'd like to know how I would search 'Number' for a partial match so if one of the records 'Number' was 098214984212 and I entered 4984212 (last 7) into a form how would i retrieve that record? Thanks really appreciate if anyone helps me out. dave
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