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Everything posted by maxwel

  1. The problem is that onclick just call the last fucntion which is button2() also tried to do it like onclick"button1(); button2();" but it do the same thing. been trying lots of ways like onsubmit but still dont work. idk why is that? <script type='text/javascript'> function submitnow(){ function OnButton1() { document.forms['form1'].action='somefile'; document.forms['form1'].target='_blank'; // Open in a new window document.forms['form1'].submit(); // Submit the page return true; } function OnButton2() { document.forms['form1'].action='somefile'; document.forms['form1'].target='_self'; // Open in a new window document.forms['form1'].submit(); // Submit the page return true; } } </script> </head> <body> <input type='hidden' name='submitted' id='submitted' value='1'/> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" id="form1" name="form1" action="somefile"> <input type="hidden" name="APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS" id="progress_key" value="<?php echo $up_id; ?>"/> <input type="file" name="fileToUpload" size="40" onclick="toggle_visibility('progress_win');" id="file"/><br /> <iframe id="upload_frame" name="upload_frame" frameborder="0" border="0" src="" scrolling="no" scrollbar="no" > </iframe> <br /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Upload Mix" onclick="submitnow()" /><br> can even someone write something similar to do it with ajax instead of js? cuz through searching i found that it seems to be done through ajax than js -simply i need to submit this form to 2 targets for 2 actions but it doesn't work it just submit to last function and ignore the first
  2. its ok, i just going through something too strange trying to use onclick to call 2 javascript functions but it just call the last one, you know why is that?
  3. anything new there? still stuck with that player and google chrome bug,, did ya find anything yet about it? Thanks, Lion
  4. been searching heavily but none :/ idk is it me only who facing such prob?! LS btw i want to learn more javascript and jquery especially through the net is there a good and free/cheap way for doing that? also i got a problem with jplayer thingy u mind posting it up here in that thread? Thanks for all ur help and support, Maxwel
  5. ok solved for sure the 2nd code (for fadeout button) but the first still can\t figure out why that is happening, why it dont move to the right like other css elements?!
  6. thought it was solved but unfortunately it wasnt, it actually now move but to the wrong direction <script> function handleOnFocus(form_element) { var $span = $('.deleteicon span'); $span.css({'right': '10px'}); } function handleOnBlur() { var $span = $('.deleteicon span'); $span.css({'right': '10px'}); } </script> it don't want to go to the right when i clck it just stand still and when i release aka blur it go to the far (i always tried to give opposite numbers but it do the same thing) :/ btw i got a code of jquery that i donno why i doesn't want to work , maybe someone can help and tell why it doesn't since i am totally new with javascript here is the code: </style> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.min.js"> </script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('input.inputfield').wrap('<span class="deleteicon" />').after($('<span/>').click(function() { $('.inputfield').val('').focus(); })); $('.inputfield').keyup(function() { var $span = $('.deleteicon span'); if($('.inputfield').value.length > 0 && !$span.is(':visible')) { $span.stop().fadeIn(); } else if($('.inputfield').value.length == 0) { $span.stop().fadeOut(); } }); }); </script> the aim of the script above is to fadeout a the clear button when there is no string in the text input and it fadein when there is a string inside, i tried to do everything as well but with no success, seems this javascript has no luck with me and seems its too hard as well Thanks for the help, Maxwel
  7. here is the part of the code which i use to add a clear button for an input field *inside it) but the problem i want when the input field is focused the span clear button move to the right 10px and when its blured it get back to 0px to the right i tried the script with alert and it worked the problem is that the clear button dont move :S idk why <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('input.deletable').wrap('<span id="clear" class="deleteicon" />').after($('<span/>').click(function() { $(this).prev('input').val('').focus(); })); }); </script> <style> span.deleteicon { position: relative; } span.deleteicon span { position: absolute; display: block; top: 2px; right: 0px; width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url('http://cdn.sstatic.net/stackoverflow/img/sprites.png?v=4') 0 -690px; cursor: pointer; } span.deleteicon input { padding-right: 16px; } </style> <script> var textFieldInFocus; function handleOnFocus(form_element) { var element = document.getElementById('clear'); element.style.right = "10px"; } function handleOnBlur() { var element = document.getElementById('clear'); element.style.right = "0px"; } </script> html: <input size="150" class="deletable" onfocus="handleOnFocus(this)" onblur="handleOnBlur()" type="text" /> any idea how to do it? Thanks alot, Lion
  8. any luck in knowing the problem that cause chrome to do that?!
  9. thanks for the info so much appreciated Any success in knowing why google chrome does that with my player? Thanks in advance, Maxwel
  10. Thanks for the regular help by the way i got 3 questions if u dont mind answer me them oh by the way i found that the player works 100% great with safari as well, you can try it as well . First is what language is this script? and how to install/ use it with php? http://rg42.org/wiki/sndfile-waveform What about this? isnt that c++? how to compile/install/use it with php? https://github.com/cappelnord/waveformgen Last is this, how to use this player, where it's source? http://jplayer.org/ Sorry for asking much but i am not that good with js as stated before and wanted to know about other 2 waveform generators cuz they seems give better results than one i use at the moment. Thanks very very much for all your help, Maxwel
  11. i use chrome :S, but is there any way to bypass that problem with chrome? Thanks
  12. the play head (time indicator) ends at the 4:18 and the current time reaches 4:18as well but the song at that time didnt end yet. its still playing (that happen only when u jump through time line) but it doesn't happen when u leave it play all song alone without distraction, any help?
  13. yea with current mp3 it does work well but with other it doesn't (especially with bigger files) let me show u i changed the mp3 file with bigger one please revisit : http://mbrservices.n...rg/Player1.html And take a look at how it mess up after jumping xD and i would like to know more about how to use timeupdate event with the code. Thanks alot, Maxwel
  14. this is the whole js code which do everything in the html5 audio player. i don\t get what u mean by timeupdate event i am 0 at javascript but insisting to know more and to do that player while learning and here is the player i use : http://mbrservices.no-ip.org/Player1.html var c = document.getElementById('canvas'); c.onclick = jump; var x = c.getContext('2d'); var a = document.getElementById('audio'); var isPlaying = false; a.load(); window.setInterval(draw, 100); /* x.fillStyle = "rgba(200,0,0,0.5)"; x.fillRect(0,0,820,140); */ function draw() { x.clearRect(0,0,820,140); // play head x.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)"; x.beginPath(); x.moveTo(pos(a.currentTime), 0); x.lineTo(pos(a.currentTime), 129); x.closePath(); x.stroke(); setTime(); // buffer head x.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)"; x.fillRect(0,129,pos(a.seekable.end(0)),140); } function setTime() { var text = Math.floor(a.currentTime / 60); text = text + ":"; var seconds = Math.floor(a.currentTime % 60); if(seconds < 10) { text = text + "0"; } text = text + seconds; document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = text; } function jump(e) { var x = (document.all) ? window.event.x + document.body.scrollLeft : e.pageX; x = x - 20; var pos = (x/820) * a.duration; if(pos < a.seekable.end(0)) { a.currentTime = pos; } } function pos(time) { return Math.round((time / a.duration) * c.width); } var duration; window.onload = function getDuration() { audio = document.getElementById("audio"); audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function(_event) { duration = audio.duration; var text1 = Math.floor(duration / 60); text1 = text1 + ":"; var seconds1 = Math.floor(duration % 60); if(seconds1 < 10) { text1 = text1 + "0"; } text1 = text1 + seconds1; document.getElementById("totaltime").innerHTML = text1; }); } function audioPlayPause() { if(isPlaying) { isPlaying = false; a.pause(); document.getElementById('pp').innerHTML = "Play"; } else { isPlaying = true; a.play(); document.getElementById('pp').innerHTML = "Pause"; } } function audioStop() { if(isPlaying) { audioPlayPause(); } a.currentTime = 0; } i think its gonna be tough task but i want to do it
  15. still donno why when i jump through the song the time indicator dont end the song at the correct time.... but when i play without jumping it end at the right time?!
  16. you are the best really and you always help thanks alot actually do u mind being my supporter/helper until i am done with this project? i wish u dont mind here is a script of a html5 audio that go canvas but the problem is that it work correctly when i let it play alone but when i jump with the head (line that indicate current point) it messes up the time and the line reach the end of the canvas before the song itself ends. here is the code var c = document.getElementById('canvas'); c.onclick = jump; var x = c.getContext('2d'); var a = document.getElementById('audio'); var isPlaying = false; a.load(); window.setInterval(draw, 100); /* x.fillStyle = "rgba(200,0,0,0.5)"; x.fillRect(0,0,820,140); */ function draw() { x.clearRect(0,0,820,140); // play head x.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)"; x.beginPath(); x.moveTo(pos(a.currentTime), 0); x.lineTo(pos(a.currentTime), 129); x.closePath(); x.stroke(); setTime(); // buffer head x.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)"; x.fillRect(0,129,pos(a.seekable.end(0)),140); } function setTime() { var text = Math.floor(a.currentTime / 60); text = text + ":"; var seconds = Math.floor(a.currentTime % 60); if(seconds < 10) { text = text + "0"; } text = text + seconds; document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = text; } function jump(e) { var x = (document.all) ? window.event.x + document.body.scrollLeft : e.pageX; x = x - 20; var pos = (x/820) * a.duration; if(pos < a.seekable.end(0)) { a.currentTime = pos; } } function pos(time) { return Math.round((time / a.duration) * c.width); } var duration; window.onload = function getDuration() { audio = document.getElementById("audio"); audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function(_event) { duration = audio.duration; var text1 = Math.floor(duration / 60); text1 = text1 + ":"; var seconds1 = Math.floor(duration % 60); if(seconds1 < 10) { text1 = text1 + "0"; } text1 = text1 + seconds1; document.getElementById("totaltime").innerHTML = text1; }); } also i got another problem which is totaltime (duration) of the song, it sometimes load correctly and another it gives 0:00 (especially if the song is loaded for the first time but still it does that also if song did loaded before) any idea? i guess i found my starting point of this project just need help/support to make it and at same time to learn more about html5 and js Thanks, Maxwel
  17. trying to find some good Html5 Audio player with waveform that can be good as this example http://virtualdjradio.com/djsets/djset.php?mixid=11578-1 does the example above use specific source code that known? or an api? i need even a begging code to begin with zz. i am so bad at javascript and still new in html5 but any support should help in supporting me and learn at the same time. Thanks in advance Maxwel
  18. i did it my own way thanks alot for the help anywayz
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