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Everything posted by sonjay

  1. I have about 190 name-based virtual hosts configured on my Mac, so I'm pretty sure your problem is not a limit on number of virtual hosts. Are you using Terminal to restart apache, or checking/unchecking the web sharing option in system preferences? If Terminal, exactly what command are you issuing, and do you get any error message when apache fails to restart? Have you made any [i]other[/i] changes to httpd.conf or any other apache-related files?
  2. The "numbers" that come in through your $_POST values are always POSTed as strings, even if they're numbers. You need to use PHP's is_numeric() function instead of is_integer(). You can also cast your POSTed values as integers before doing anything with them: [code]$val = intval($val);[/code]
  3. The next time you make a link, instead of dragging the little thingie, click the folder icon next to it, and browse for the file you want to link to. Now, before you close that dialog box, look for the option down in the bottom left that asks whether you want the link to be "Relative to Site" or "Relative to Document." Choose "Document." That's a sticky option. From now on, all your links will be document-relative.
  4. "Uncomment" does mean to delete the # mark at the front of the line. (All of them, if there's more than one.) So it sounds like you've done that correctly, assuming you've uncommented the correct lines in there. You also need to restart Apache after making a change to your httpd.conf file. GUI method (if you're using Apple's default Apache install): System Preferences -> Sharing -> Personal Web Sharing -> Stop and then start "Personal Web Sharing." CLI method (using any Apache install): in Terminal, type "sudo apachectl graceful" or "sudo apachectl restart"
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