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Everything posted by danielnn

  1. <? class shareCount { private $url,$timeout; function __construct($url,$timeout=10) { $this->url=rawurlencode($url); $this->timeout=$timeout; } function get_tweets() { $json_string = $this->file_get_contents_curl('http://urls.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url=' . $this->url); $json = json_decode($json_string, true); return isset($json['count'])?intval($json['count']):0; } function get_fb() { $json_string = $this->file_get_contents_curl('http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?method=links.getStats&format=json&urls='.$this->url); $json = json_decode($json_string, true); return isset($json[0]['total_count'])?intval($json[0]['total_count']):0; } function get_pinterest() { $return_data = $this->file_get_contents_curl('http://api.pinterest.com/v1/urls/count.json?url='.$this->url); $json_string = preg_replace('/^receiveCount\((.*)\)$/', "\\1", $return_data); $json = json_decode($json_string, true); return isset($json['count'])?intval($json['count']):0; } private function file_get_contents_curl($url){ $ch=curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->timeout); $cont = curl_exec($ch); if(curl_error($ch)) { die(curl_error($ch)); } return $cont; } } ?> <div class="socialbuttons"> <?php $obj = new ShareCount( the_permalink() ); ?> <a href=https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target=_blank><span class=black> <? echo "".$obj->get_fb();?> </span><span class=light>Likes</span></a> <a href=https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target=_blank><span class=black> <? echo "".$obj->get_tweets(); ?> </span><span class=light>Tweets</span></a> <a href=https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target=_blank><span class=black> <? echo "".$obj->get_pinterest(); ?> </span><span class=light>Pins</span></a> </div>
  2. "<?php $obj = new ShareCount( the_permalink() ); ?> should work if you have the function working in the same scope and have the function return an URL via return." Still just wrting out the URL http://creeeative.com
  3. It is just writing out the url on the page: http://creeeative.com/
  4. I am writing out likes, tweets and so on in Word Press. I am struggling to make my code work. Below is the url that my PHP is writing out likes from. (If NBA.com has 20 K likes it will write "20k") <? $obj=new shareCount("http://www.nba.com"); ?> My problem is that the url has to different for each post. <?php the_permalink(); ?> Vil write out the URL My problem is my formatting. <? $obj=new shareCount("<?php the_permalink(); ?>"); ?> of course doesn't work <? $obj=new shareCount(<?php the_permalink(); ?>); ?> of course doesn't work How du I call a function inside a function within the quotations marks?
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