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Everything posted by fero57

  1. Use an editor that can connect to a server, edit a file, save it locally and send it non-locally, though it does not work both directions, and check both in the browser
  2. Hi Kicken Thank you for the answer. I was going through your explanation a couple of times. When I changed the tags, eg $allfiles .= '<filename>'.$dir.'/'.$f; $allfiles .= '<filename>'.$dir.'/'.$f; // first reading if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$f)) { $allfiles .= "</filename>\n"; readFolders($dir.'/'.$f); } $allfiles .= "</filename_AFTER>\n"; // third reading the output was </filename_AFTER> </filename_AFTER> not as I expected, i.e. first reading - skip if not is_dir - second reading <filename></filename_AFTER> <filename></filename_AFTER> I must be very slow on the uptake, I apologize. Thanks Fero
  3. ... but it is still a mystery for me why the original script outputs those extra closing tags when the loop goes from the deepest folder back ... and why only the closing tag, why not both, opening and closing, when I use $allfiles .= before and after if(is_dir) condition. Any ideas? Fero
  4. I re-wrote the script and it worked. I also fixed the folder / filename tags. $allfiles = ''; function readFolders($dir ) { global $allfiles; $files = scandir($dir); foreach($files as $f) { if($f != '.' && $f != '..') { if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$f)) { $allfiles .= "<folder>".$dir.'/'.$f."</folder>\n"; readFolders($dir.'/'.$f); } else { $allfiles .= '<filename>'.$dir.'/'.$f."</filename>\n"; } } } $fp = fopen('xml_scandir.txt', 'w') or die('cannot open scandir.txt'); fwrite($fp, $allfiles); fclose($fp); } thanks for your time Fero
  5. Hi Freaks I created a Joomla 1.5 install.xml using scandir. For easier orientation, folders are capitalized and blue ASSETS - index.html - CSS - - index.html - - popup.css - - default.css - JS - - index.html - - form.js CONTROLLERS MODELS TABLES VIEWS controller.php index.php reporter.php output of the first 14 lines: <filename>ASSETS</filename> <filename>ASSETS/CSS</filename> <filename>ASSETS/CSS/default.css</filename> <filename>ASSETS/CSS/incident_reporter_form.css</filename> <filename>ASSETS/CSS/index.html</filename> <filename>ASSETS/CSS/popup.css</filename> </filename> <filename>ASSETS/index.html</filename> <filename>ASSETS/JS</filename> <filename>ASSETS/JS/incident_reporter_form.js</filename> <filename>ASSETS/JS/index.html</filename> </filename> </filename> <filename>controller.php</filename> <filename>CONTROLLERS</filename> My script $allfiles = ''; function readFolders($dir ) { global $allfiles; $files = scandir($dir); foreach($files as $f) { if($f != '.' && $f != '..') { $allfiles .= '<filename>'.$dir.'/'.$f; if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$f)) { $allfiles .= "</filename>\n"; readFolders($dir.'/'.$f); } $allfiles .= "</filename>\n"; } } $fp = fopen('xml_scandir.txt', 'w') or die('cannot open file'); fwrite($fp, $allfiles); fclose($fp); } readFolders('com_reporter'); Question: Why do I have those extra closing tags </filename> that attach outside if(is_dir) ? I would understand if the output came with empty tags, eg <filename></filename> Thank you Fero
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