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cyberRobot's post in Add Separator to Wordpress Function was marked as the answer
Since get_the_category() returns an array, you could use implode(). More information can be found here:
cyberRobot's post in Fitering an array was marked as the answer
You could try something like this:
$matchingIndex = ''; foreach($yourArray as $currIndex => $subArray) { if($subArray[1] == 'Zurich Life') { $matchingIndex = $currIndex; break; //break out of the loop, since you found Zurich Life } } -
cyberRobot's post in Warning: Cannot modify header information was marked as the answer
As mac_gyver mentioned, nothing can be outputted to the screen before calling header(). Since you're just redirecting the user, the header() call can be moved to the top of your script.
<?php //lets check the user is authorised to be here! if ($userLevel > 3){ echo "you are authorised to be here!"; } else { header('Location: ../index.php'); exit; } //this is going to be the main section for reporting include('../header.php'); ?> Note that I added the "exit" statement after the header() call to prevent the script from doing any further processing. If you want to display a message before the page is redirects, you could look into using header() and "refresh". An example can be found here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.header.php#97114 -
cyberRobot's post in PHP Selection not showing on selction on dropbox was marked as the answer
You're using "SymptomId" here:
<select name="Symptom" id="SymptomId" onchange="Symselect()"> And "Symptomid" here:
var x = document.getElementById("Symptomid").value; Those values need to match. Note: the values are case sensitive.
Note that I moved the topic to the JavaScript forum.
cyberRobot's post in HTML select and option work with PHP database was marked as the answer
How is the "birthdate" field stored in your database? If it is stored as a string and only contains the month, you would need to add quotes around the value from $select.
$birthdate = "SELECT CONCAT(FirstName,' ',LastName) AS Birth FROM Members WHERE birthdate = '" . $select . "'"; Side note: you'll want to look into using prepared queries...or use mysqli_real_escape_string() to protect yourself from SQL injection attacks.
cyberRobot's post in php and html contact form help was marked as the answer
One thing that I noticed is that the email entered through the form is being saved to $email.
$email = $_POST['email']; But the if test uses $email_from.
if(!preg_match($email_exp,$email_from)) {