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Everything posted by xbase

  1. Here is my db class: $conn = new database_conn(); $dbh = $conn->db; here is my class to create the top nav: class top_nav { var $i; var $l; function build() { global $hostname; global $dbh; $l = chr($this->i); $valid = $dbh->getOne("SELECT * FROM md_models WHERE alias REGEXP '^($l)'"); // Print valid letters if ($valid!=0) { $letter = '<td width=20 align=center> <a href="index.php?cmd=find&l='.$l.'" style="color: black; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold">'.$l.'</a> </td>'; } else { $letter = '<td width=20 align=center style="color: #CCCCCC; font-weight: bold">'.$l.'</td>'; } return $letter; } } how come this is not working and I get an invalid object for $valid = $dbh->getOne. I use PHP 4.4.3 (not my choice). Any ideas?
  2. here is the connection: /* Database Connection | Pear::DB API --------------------------------------------------------------*/ $dsn = "mysql://$user:$pass@$host/$db_name"; $db = DB::connect($dsn); if (DB::isError($db)) { die ($db->getMessage()); } here is the code: /** * Creates the header for the directory * * @param string $hostname * @param string $view * @param string $i * @return string */ function top_nav($hostname,$view, $i) { $l = chr($i); // Connect to the database so that $s = "SELECT * FROM md_models WHERE alias REGEXP '^($l)'"; $q = $db->query($s); if (DB::isError($result)) { die ($result->getMessage()); } $r = $q->fetchRow(); $v = $db->getOne($s); // Print valid letters if ($v!=0) { $letter = '<td width=20 align=center> <a href="index.CODE?cmd=find&l='.$l.'&view='.$view.'" style="color: black; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold">'.$l.'</a> </td>'; } else { $letter = '<td width=20 align=center style="color: #CCCCCC; font-weight: bold">'.$l.'</td>'; } return $letter; } This is the error: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /data1/members.scoreland/docs/cgi/secured/modeldir/lib/functions/functions.misc_utilities.CODE on line 77 Here is line 77: $q = $db->query($s); Does anyone have any clue what is causing the issue, its starting to annoy me.
  3. Ok i'm reading from a file that likes look so: GATE The Gate voodoo://chat.fearlab.net=GATE 0 250 0 GEN POTTER harry potter net voodoo://chat.fearlab.net=POTTER 0 30 0 GEN SYCOSI Syc0sis voodoo://chat.fearlab.net=SYCOSI 1 30 0 GEN HANG H a N g O uT voodoo://chat.fearlab.net=HANG 0 30 0 GEN GUYZ Syc0 Guyz voodoo://chat.fearlab.net=GUYZ 0 30 0 MEN SOUTH Southern Comfort Music Room voodoo://chat.fearlab.net=SOUTH 0 30 0 MUS its tab delimeted which isnt a problem, but when I do the for each statement , how can I make it sore by lets say $array[3] but throughout the entire file? Here is my coding: [code=php:0] <?  function row_color($k){     $bg1 = "#909090"; // color one        $bg2 = "#c0c0c0"; // color two     if ( $k%2 ) {         return $bg1;     } else {         return $bg2;     } } $readfile = file("../../voodoo/rooms.txt"); // create a loop that will read all elements of the array and print out // each field of the tab-delimited text file echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" width=\"650\" align=\"center\"> <tr> <td width=\"30\" class=\"header\">Number </td> <td width=\"300\" class=\"header\">Room Name</td> <td width=\"20\" class=\"header\">Users</td> </tr>"; for ($k=0; $k<=count($readfile)-1; $k++) {     $fields = split("\t",$readfile[$k]);     echo "     <tr>     <td width=\"30\" class=\"info\" bgcolor=".row_color($k).">$k</td>     <td width=\"300\" class=\"info\" bgcolor=".row_color($k)."><a href=$fields[2]>$fields[1]</a></td>     <td width=\"20\" class=\"info\" bgcolor=".row_color($k).">$fields[3]</td>     </tr>     ";     } echo "     <tr>     <td colspan=3 class=\"footer\" align=right>Total Rooms: $k</td>     </tr>     </table>"; ?> [/code]
  4. I noticed that you are using a windows server, please note I have found a lot of severe issues regarding the use of php with IIS
  5. I am using cookies to store the login variables, but for some reason they are not logging the user in: [a href=\"http://www.syc0logy.com\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.syc0logy.com[/a] [code] <?php include('lib/conf/config.php'); include('lib/functions.php'); // user logout if($login==2){    setcookie("username", "",  time()-60*60, "/", ".syc0logy.com",0);    setcookie("password", "",  time()-60*60, "/", ".syc0logy.com",0);    $userid=0; $username=""; $password="";          $userid=0; } // user login if ($login==1) {      $pass = encryption($username,$password); $sql = "SELECT * FROM users"; $result = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {         if($username==$row['username'] && $pass==$row['password'] && $login!=2){            $userid = $row['userid'];            $usegroup = $row['usegroup'];                } else{                    $username = "";            $pass = "";    }         $un = $row['username'];    $pw = $row['password'];    }    //set cookies    if($login==1 && $userid>0){            setcookie("username", "$username", time()+60*60, "/", ".syc0logy.com" );    setcookie("password", "$password", time()+60*60, "/", ".syc0logy.com" );    } } ?>    <html> <head>       <title>Syc0tests - Powered By: XBASE Online</title>       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="lib/css/style.css"> </head> <body> <table border="0" width="100%" id="table1">         <tr>                 <td align=center>                 <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center width=760>                 <tr>                 <td>                 <p class=contest_small align=right>v1.2.5    <center>                 <img border="0" src="/images/top.jpg" width="760" height="285"></td></tr></table></td>         </tr> </table> <br> <table border=0 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=5 align=center width=760> <tr> <td colspan=2 width=760> <? if($userid > 0){ ?> <!-- begin user status --> <div class=welcome> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">   <tr>     <td class=contest_small align=right> Welcome <?=$username?> [ <a href=index.php?op=login=2>logout</a> ] </td>   </tr> </table> <? } else { ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">   <tr>     <td class=contest_small align=right> <form action="index.php" method="post">     <input type="hidden" name="login" value="1"> login:   <input type=text name="username" size=10 value="" class=contest style="background-color:#2A2922; border:1px solid #C0C0C0">   password:   <input type=password name="password" size=10 class=contest style="background-color:#2A2922; border:1px solid #C0C0C0">   <input type=submit value="login" class=submit> <? // Error if bad login if($login == 1 && $userid == 0) { echo "<br>Incorrect login information!  Forgot Password? <a href=\"?op=forgotpasswd\">Click Here</a><br>"; } else {      echo "<br>Don't have an account? Then <a href=\"?op=register\">Register Now!</a>";     } ?> </form> </td></tr> </table> <? } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class=contest width=260> <div id="mainmenu"> <b>MAIN MENU</b><br><br> - <a href="?op=home">home</a><br> - <a href="?op=blogs">blogs</a><br> - <a href="?op=credits">credits</a><br> - <a href="?op=sponsers">sponsors</a><br> - <a href="?op=contact_us">contact us</a><br> <p> </p> <?php     if ($userid>0) {     echo "<b>USER MENU</b><br><br>";         echo "- <a href=?op=register>profile</a><br>";         echo "- <a href=?op=blogs>blogs</a><br>";         echo "- <a href=?op=pm>private messages</a><br>";         echo "- <a href=?op=home&login=2>logout</a><br>";     } else {              } ?> <p> </p> </div> </td> <td class=contest valign=top align=left width=500>     <div id="leftcol">       <?php              if(isset($op)) {             if($op == 'home') {                  $op = "home";           }           include($op.".php");       } else {           include("home.php");      }               ?>     </div> </td> </tr> </table>     </div>   </body> </html> [/code]
  6. ok this is what i am working on [a href=\"http://www.nmlco.com/secure/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.nmlco.com/secure/[/a]. I am still having trouble printing any of the session data. please if you can help me at all either reply or message me or pm me. here is my new index.php [code] <? // INCLUDE SESSION FILE require('includes/sessions.php'); // SET THE CONFIGURATION include('includes/config.php'); ?> <html> <head>   <title><? echo $conf['name'],' - ',$app['name']; ?></title>   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/styles/main.css"> </head> <body> <?php if(isset($step)) {   if($step == '1') // Gets from the variable $step the section number   {     $step = "1";   }   include("includes/part/section".$step.".php"); // Include the file associated with the variable $step } else {   include("includes/part/section1.php"); } ?> </body> </html> [/code] HERE is my sessions.php file [code]         // START THE SESSION         session_start();                  // SET VARIABLES         extract($_POST);         foreach($_POST as $k => $v)                  if ($k != 'submit')         if (!isset($_SESSION[$k])) $_SESSION[$k] = $v; [/code] Here is my section1.php file [code] if ($step > 0) {     $var = $step + 1; } else {         $step = '1';             $var = $step + 1; } echo "<form action=\"?step=$var&sid=$PHPSESSID\" method=\"post\"> <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" width=\"600\" align=\"center\">         <tr>                 <td colspan=\"3\" id=\"header\">SECTION 1 - TYPE OF MORTGAGE AND TERMS OF LOAN</td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">Mortgage Type</td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\">                 <select name=\"morgage_type\">                         <option value=\"\">Select A Mortgage Type                         <option value=\"VA\">VA                         <option value=\"FHA\">FHA                         <option value=\"Conventional\">Conventional                         <option value=\"USDA/Rural Housing Service\">USDA/Rural Housing Service                         <option value=\"Other\">Other                 </SELECT>                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">Loan Amount</td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" size=\"15\" name=\"loan_amount\"></td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">Loan Term</td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\">                 <select name=\"loan_term\">                         <option value=\"\">Select A Loan Term                         <option value=\"5 Year\">5 Year                         <option value=\"10 Year\">10 Year                         <option value=\"15 Year\">15 Year                         <option value=\"20 Year\">20 Year                         <option value=\"25 Year\">25 Year                         <option value=\"30 Year\">30 Year                 </SELECT></td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">Amortization Type</td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\">                 <select name=\"amortization_type\">                         <option value=\"\">Select Amortization Type                         <option value=\"Fixed Rate\">Fixed Rate                         <option value=\"GPM\">GPM                         <option value=\"ARM\">ARM                         <option value=\"Other\">Other                 </SELECT>                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"input\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">                 <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></td>         </tr> </table>"; [/code]
  7. Can you please explain what I am doing wrong? Every tutorial I see doesnt cover what I am doing it seems. [code] <? // START THE SESSION session_start(); // SET THE CONFIGURATION require('includes/config.php');         // SET VARIABLES         $morgage_type = $_POST['$morgage_type'];         $loan_amount = $_POST['$loan_amount'];         $loan_type = $_POST['$loan_type'];         $amortization_type = $_POST['$amortization_type'];         $subject_address = $_POST['$subject_address'];         $subject_county = $_POST['$subject_county'];         $subject_units = $_POST['$subject_units'];         $subject_description = $_POST['$subject_description'];         $subject_title = $_POST['$subject_title'];         $subject_title_manner = $_POST['$subject_title_manner'];         $subject_pay_source = $_POST['$subject_pay_source'];         $amortization_type = $_POST['$amortization_type'];         $lot_aquired = $_POST['$lot_aquired'];         $lot_cost = $_POST['$lot_cost'];         $lot_liens = $_POST['$lot_liens'];         $lot_value = $_POST['$lot_value'];         $lot_improve = $_POST['$lot_improve'];         $refi_aquired = $_POST['$refi_aquired'];         $refi_cost = $_POST['$refi_cost'];         $refi_liens = $_POST['$refi_liens'];         $refi_purose = $_POST['$refi_purose'];         $refi_desc_improve = $_POST['$refi_desc_improve'];         $refi_cost = $_POST['$refi_cost'];         // REGISTER SESSIONS         session_register ($morgage_type);         session_register ($loan_amount);         session_register ($loan_type);         session_register ($amortization_type);         session_register ($subject_address);         session_register ($subject_county);         session_register ($subject_units);         session_register ($subject_description);         session_register ($subject_title);         session_register ($subject_title_manner);         session_register ($subject_pay_source);         session_register ($amortization_type);         session_register ($lot_aquired);         session_register ($lot_cost);         session_register ($lot_liens);         session_register ($lot_value);         session_register ($lot_improve);         session_register ($refi_aquired);         session_register ($refi_cost);         session_register ($refi_liens);         session_register ($refi_purpose);         session_register ($refi_desc_improve);         session_register ($refi_cost); ?> <html> <head>   <title><? echo $conf['name'],' - ',$app['name']; ?></title>   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/styles/main.css"> </head> <body> <?php if ($step == '2') { echo "<form action=\"?step=3&sid=$PHPSESSID\" method=\"post\"> <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" width=\"600\" align=\"center\">         <tr>                 <td colspan=\"3\" id=\"header\">SECTION 2 - PROPERTY INFORMATION AND PURPOSE OF LOAN</td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Subject Property Address<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"subject_address\" size=\"80\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 County<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"subject_county\" size=\"30\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Number of Units<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"subject_units\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Property Description<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"subject_description\" size=\"80\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Name(s) to be on title<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"subject_title\" size=\"50\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Manner in which title will be held<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"subject_title_manner\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Source of Down Payment<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"subject_pay_source\" size=\"80\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Estate will be held in?<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\">                 <select name=\"amortization_type\">                         <option value=\"\">Select Hold Type                         <option value=\"Fee Simple\">Fee Simple                         <option value=\"Lease Hold\">Lease Hold                 </SELECT>                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"input\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">                 NOTE: Please only complete this section if consturction or construction-permanent loan<br>                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Year Lot Aquired<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"lot_aquired\" size=\"5\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Origional Cost<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"lot_cost\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Amount of Existing Liens<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"lot_liens\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 A. Present Value of lot<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"lot_value\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 B. Cost of Improvements<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"lot_improve\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Total (A + B)<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"lot_aquired\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr><tr>                 <td id=\"input\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">                 NOTE: Please only complete this section if this is a refiance loan                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Year Lot Aquired<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"refi_aquired\" size=\"5\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Origional Cost<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"refi_cost\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Amount of Existing Liens<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"refi_liens\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Purpose of Refinance<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"refi_purose\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Description of Improvements<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><textarea value=\"\" name=\"refi_desc_improve\" rows=\"2\" cols=\"40\"></textarea>                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">                 Cost of Improvements<br>                 </td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"refi_cost\" size=\"10\">                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"input\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">                 <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></td>         </tr>         </table>"; } if ($step == '3') {         echo $lot_cost; } else if ($step < 2) { echo "<form action=\"?step=2&sid=$PHPSESSID\" method=\"post\"> <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" width=\"600\" align=\"center\">         <tr>                 <td colspan=\"3\" id=\"header\">SECTION 1 - TYPE OF MORTGAGE AND TERMS OF LOAN</td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">Mortgage Type</td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\">                 <select name=\"morgage_type\">                         <option value=\"\">Select A Mortgage Type                         <option value=\"VA\">VA                         <option value=\"FHA\">FHA                         <option value=\"Conventional\">Conventional                         <option value=\"USDA/Rural Housing Service\">USDA/Rural Housing Service                         <option value=\"Other\">Other                 </SELECT>                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">Loan Amount</td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" size=\"15\" name=\"loan_amount\"></td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">Loan Term</td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\">                 <select name=\"loan_term\">                         <option value=\"\">Select A Loan Term                         <option value=\"5 Year\">5 Year                         <option value=\"10 Year\">10 Year                         <option value=\"15 Year\">15 Year                         <option value=\"20 Year\">20 Year                         <option value=\"25 Year\">25 Year                         <option value=\"30 Year\">30 Year                 </SELECT></td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"field\" width=200 valign=\"middle\">Amortization Type</td>                 <td width=5></td>                 <td id=\"input\">                 <select name=\"amortization_type\">                         <option value=\"\">Select Amortization Type                         <option value=\"Fixed Rate\">Fixed Rate                         <option value=\"GPM\">GPM                         <option value=\"ARM\">ARM                         <option value=\"Other\">Other                 </SELECT>                 </td>         </tr>         <tr>                 <td id=\"input\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">                 <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></td>         </tr> </table>"; } ?> </form> </body> </html>[/code]
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