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Everything posted by dhcrusoe

  1. All, I'm working with a bit of pesky ASP code, and have a challenge I'd love some help with. The challenge is this: the ASP outputs one tag that I need to use twice. Here's a code example of what I have: <a id=newestuser href="http://www.test.com/user?name=tom"></a> and here's a code example of what I need: <a id=newestuser href="http://www.test.com/user?name=tom">tom</a> Either that, OR the javascript could simple read in the variable (tom) and output it twice - once into the href tag, and once into the link/title area of the <a> tag. Any thoughts/suggestions/ideas? (I'm a beginner JavaScripter -- sorry if it's a basic question, and thanks for your help!) --Dave
  2. Hi all, I'm working with a .Net application - DotNetNuke - and its quirky, slightly underdeveloped modules. Anyway - not a place for a rant. The challenge is that one of its core modules - the FAQ module - doesn't play well on a page with HTML anchors. And, given that we have a very long list of FAQs, we definitely need a way to skip around the page (from the top to lower sections, and from lower sections back to the top). I've seen a solution or two for a Javascript version of page anchors; but it assumes one Anchor per page, not multiple anchors. Does anyone have other suggestions about how we can skip up/down/around the page, without using the normal #anchor usually associated with HTML? Thanks for your help! --Dave
  3. Hey all, The site is still rough, but does the [Librarian] popup (located on the top right of this page) seem to work for everyone? http://www.plml.org/drupal/ We should have a beta release in about a week -- we're just tweaking a couple things on the main site (http://www.theal.org) before finalizing the page content. Thanks for all your help! --Dave
  4. Hey there, Thanks for the comments! Yep, there's a LOT of design work to do. I'm going to spend the next week designing for clarity. As an overall concept, is there anything that would make this particularly useful to you / others? --Dave
  5. Hey all, You guys have contributed awesome thoughts in the past (e.g., to our sites http://www.codekindness.org and http://www.boolify.org), and now we have another free, public project/technology coming out. It's called "The Accomplished Librarian", and is designed to help individuals (librarians, for one) organize a wealth of link information into a much smaller footprint on their websites. How does it work? It's pretty simple: users build popup/embeddable librarians that consist of categories and containers. Each category can contain up to six containers, and each container can hold five links. The button can be embedded anywhere - in web pages, etc - although we're still working out some minor glitches. We'll have rating / commenting / top links functions working soon... And so... here's the site: http://www.theal.org -- would love your thoughts on the beta site, e.g.: * What do you like about the technology? * What could we do to make it simpler? * What could we do to make it even more useful? Thanks for your thoughts! --Dave http://www.plml.org
  6. Hey everyone, I wonder if anyone has implemented on of the many 3rd party file upload progress bars, and if so, which they found most effective/simple to work with? Looking over the scene, I see many packages (such as MegaUploader) that haven't changed much in the years since I last integrated, and just wonder if I'm missing something new/usable. Thanks! --Dave
  7. Hey guys, We're working to make a pro-bono emergency update to a website, http://www.twcgreaterboston.org/ . Problematically, we have the login information, but can't figure out who the host is. We've tried logging in at web.com (which seems sketchy, but is referenced in the HTML) -- but that doesn't seem to work. This is all an emergency b/c a major funding-raising campaign is headed into the wrong accounts & needs to be changed ASP -- Thanks for any help! --Dave
  8. Hey there everyone, We're building a Drupal site, and need to find an outside, API-accessible database that we can use to host calendar and scheduling data. We need to host it externally because it needs to be compatible with a wide number of applications (e.g., Outlook, and data systems at a different organization). However, some of the data will be used within Drupal (for a public calendar); we can pull this in through various PHP-based APIs. Our current database system is QuickBase, by Intuit. QuickBase does have PHP API compatibility. However, we have the opportunity to selection another external system, if it's a good reason to switch. What other systems y'all recommend we explore if API access (for centralization) is important? Thanks for your help & suggestions! --Dave
  9. Hey Guys, Yep, I know. But imagine if you could create a low-rez pdf of the page - actually, maybe that's the way to do it? run a script to convert the page to PDF, and then count PDF pages? Would that be possible? --Dave
  10. What if we were able to set the screen as a certain number of pixels, e.g., 600 deep? It turns out that we don't have control over the CSS or HTML of the page we want to paginate. --Dave
  11. Hey there, We have a pretty specific challenge & would love thoughts about how to overcome. The challenge is that we have several web pages of unknown length, and need to calculate how many printable pages they will result in if printed. We calculate that each printable page can contain about 600 vertical pixels of content. Does anyone have any idea of how to construct a function that would tell us how many printable pages an html page might be (if run through the function) and/or a way to show thumbnails thereof? Or any good starting points - those would be great as well! Thanks for any insights you have! --Dave / Public Learning Media Labs
  12. Nod... it's a SalesForce integrator, so there's no choice. Out of curiosity, I tried: $_POST["00N40000001tylU"] = "1999-2000"; and that didn't work, either. Any ideas of why it might not be? That might show us why the larger IF isn't overwriting...
  13. Oh -- Sorry! The data field for year is not being overwritten as per the IF statement. Basically, to test, I've assigned a temporary value in the form ("empty") that should be overwritten by the year ("1999-2000") with the IF statement. But for some reason, that isn't happening, and "empty" is being written to the DB.
  14. Hey everyone, A PHP form submit that I have has two fields: a dropdown team/age field (U10,U11) and a "birthyear" field, which in the form is hidden. Unfortunately, the form field names are database-generated in SalesForce (and so, they're weird). On the processing side, the script is supposed to read the TEAM field and edit the YEAR field accordingly. However, it isn't working. Here's what I have: if ($_POST["00N40000001tymD"] == "U9") { $_POST["00N40000001tylU"] = "1999-2000"; } if ($_POST["00N40000001tymD"] == "U10") { $_POST["00N40000001tylU"] = "1998-1999"; } if ($_POST["00N40000001tymD"] == "U11") { $_POST["00N40000001tylU"] = "1997-1998"; } if ($_POST["00N40000001tymD"] == "U12") { $_POST["00N40000001tylU"] = "1996-1997"; } Maybe there's a better way to accomplish this? Or a reason this method isn't best / doesn't work? Thanks for your thoughts, everyone! --Dave
  15. Hey all, For some reason, this query keeps pulling up the oldest data (with the lowest counts)... instead of the most recent entries (with the highest counts)... any insights?? thanks! $top10 = mysql_query("SELECT votes,date,progname FROM data where prog<>19 ORDER BY date,votes DESC LIMIT 10") or trigger_error("MySQL Error", E_USER_WARNING ); $citizenschool = mysql_query("SELECT votes,date,progname FROM data where prog=19 ORDER BY date,votes DESC LIMIT 1") or trigger_error("MySQL Error", E_USER_WARNING ); Basically, it needs to: A) Pull up the top 10 newest items with the highest vote count B) Pull up the newest entry for citizenschool so I can report its vote count All of this is displayed here: http://citizenschools.org/change/monitor.html but is reporting old data for some reason I don't understand :/ Thanks! --Dave
  16. Yep... sorry, there is another } down in the code, but that's not the issue here (see error, pasted) oh! pasting it, I see -- time has no ' at the end, I think Error Level : 512 | Desc : MySQL Error occured : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '06:56:16,'0','Vegan school lunch options')' at line 1 [ /home/plmlorg/public_html/ChangeAnalytics2/test2.php=>90]
  17. Hey guys, What on earth is going on here? I'm getting a MySQL insert error, even though this code worked earlier... I'm thinking I have an extra character in there somewhere, but for the life of me, can't see it ??? foreach ($inf as $key => $value) { if (!mysql_query("INSERT INTO data (votes,date,prog,progname) VALUES ('".$inf[$key]['votes']."',".$global_date.",'".$key."','".$inf[$key]['progname']."')")) { trigger_error("MySQL Error occured : ".mysql_error($con), E_USER_WARNING ); } Thanks for your helpful (eyes!) --Dave
  18. Hey guys, I have a regex that pulls the vote for this html: <div class="vote">number</div> which is: preg_match('{<div class="vote[^>]*>([^<]+)</div>}', $html, $match); However, now we need to capture this html: </span> <cite>Mobilize mentors, tutors, and “citizen teachers” to help kids succeed</cite> with a </span> and a line break (and apparent spacing) between the </span> and <cite>. So the regex I was playing with was: preg_match('{</span><cite[^>]*>([^<]+)</cite>}', $html, $match); but it hasn't been working... any thoughts? Thanks! --Dave
  19. something like this? <div class=votes>(.*?)<\/div>
  20. Hey guys, Trying this for hours... any pointers? I'm trying to build a Regex that will find information inside of a div: <div class=votes>some_number</div> and here's what I've got: if (preg_match_all('/<div class=votes>.*?<\/div>/',$s,$m,PREG_SET_ORDER)) what's going wrong here? I keep getting no info from the regex... Thanks for your help! --Dave / CK http://www.codekindness.org
  21. Hey everyone! Change (dot org) is running a major campaign to bring issues to Obama's attention during the Inauguration night. The best ideas selected on Change.org will be mentioned as public priorities, and it would be great if you could help bring the idea of building a tech volunteer corps to the top: http://www.change.org/ideas/view/establish_a_national_volunteer_technology_corps This is related to a project that many of you helped to critique and establish, http://www.codekindness.org. Thanks for your help, happy new year and all the best! --Dave
  22. p.s. The competition is active, updated and accepting entries! The winning site will benefit The Way Home, an organization that helps prevent homelessness. More info: http://codekindness.org/blog/google_sites_design_competition/
  23. Use the language you're most comfortable with, can maintain forward, is forward-compatible, and supports simple plugin of extras produced by others. For that reason, I'd personally choose to avoid something like Ruby on Rails (I wasn't an expert with it, and produced http://www.projectkir.org in it, and then had a hard time maintaining!) and have since launched other sites (Boolify.org, Codekindness.org) in PHP; these are languages I know, I'm comfortable with, know will be around for a long time to come, can be optimized, and support simple integration with other 3rd party plugins/apps/etc. So, in the end, nothing is "better"/"worse", but perhaps you're more able to support a particular language... --Dave / Codekindness.org
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