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Everything posted by wood1e

  1. function getallisland() { $query = "select islandid,island from island order by island"; $result = $this->select($query); return $result; }
  2. The code at the very top of the page is this...should have put this in earlier..apologise. <?php session_start(); require("./PropertySQL.inc.php"); $db = new PropertySQL($DBName); $langfile = "./language/".$userlang."/index.php"; include ($langfile); $result = $db->getallisland(); $PicturePath = "./photo/"; ?>
  3. The code at the very top of the page is $result = $db->getallisland(); $PicturePath = "./photo/"; Above the code previously posted is this: <div id="right"> <?php include("inc_indexsearch.php");?> <?php include("inc_indexweek.php");?> </div> <div id="left"> <?php include ("top.php3");?> <div id="toptext"> <p><?php print "$lang_formtitle";?> </p> </div> <table> <?php if (!empty($result)) { $countresult=count($result); $k=0; while($k<$countresult) { ?> <tr> <?php $i=0; while($k<$countresult&&$i<3){ $islandid = stripslashes($result[$k]["islandid"]); $island = stripslashes($result[$k]["island"]); $propertyresult=$db->getpropertybyislandid($islandid); $num=count($propertyresult); $j=0; ?> <td> <div id="box5"> <div class="title"> <h2><?php print "$island"; ?></h2> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="item"><img src="./photo/<?php print "$island"; ?>.jpg" name="imgprop" vspace="2" id="imgprop" width="175" height="116" /> <a href="island.php?islandid=<?php print "$islandid"; ?>&island=<?php print "$island"; ?>" title="Quick Search " class="quickSearch"><?php print "$lang_quicksearch";?> </a> </div> Apologise for not placing code inside brackets previously
  4. Hi, I have had a developer to create a back end for my website. I can't get hold of him, and to be fair I have bothered him enough, as I am trying to learn as well That was not his job to teach me!! What I have is three pictures and text title sitting next to each other, and they are in alphabetical order...What I want to do is place the picture and text title in a different order. This is the code <h2><?php print "$island"; ?></h2> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="item"><img src="./photo/<?php print "$island"; ?>.jpg" name="imgprop" vspace="2" id="imgprop" width="175" height="116" /> HOpefully someone can tell from that how/what i would need to change. I actually change the order in which they are displayed buy changing the names of the images, to a.jpg/b.jpg/c.jpg which works...but the text title then doesn't reflect the image underneath...
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