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Everything posted by steveclondon

  1. Hi, I have rewritten a php document feed.php to feed.xml so that it can be an rss feed. However my browser is not seeing this as an rss feed and is printing some of the information to the browser. Yet if I cut the same printed source out and then put it in a xml file this works fine. How can I trick my browser into thinking this is an xml file?
  2. try taking the first forward slash out so ^/script will become this ^script
  3. Hi, I want to be able to remove phone numbers from postings on a website. I do not want to remove other numbers such as prices. I would perhaps want to test how long the number is to see if it is lightly that it is a phone number and allow for spaces such as in the example. I would also leave numbers if they have a decimal point in them perhaps. 44 01233 555 555 Any ideas of the best way to go about this.
  4. what error are you currently getting
  5. Hi, I am setting up some mini sites for my main sites. I want users to still be logged in when looking at these mini sites. At the moment a user is logs on the main site and then a $_SESSION varible is kept to say they are logged in. How do I keep them logged in when they view these other websites?
  6. Hi, I want to automatically strip out any email addresses and website links that users may enter into a form. Does anyone know of any good classes to do this, as  I am sure I would just be reinventing the wheel if I start making the code for this. If not any ideas of the best way to go about it will be of great help. I would imagine that I would need to search for the @ symbol and www.  then count the start of the word and end of the word and replace it with a space. I know how to tackle it that way using string replace etc but if there is a quicker or better way please let me know. Would preffer a class that already does this though.
  7. Yes it is best to use get as you want search engines to be able to follow your catagories. As for database design as an example you would have your catagory id, catagory name, and then parent id. So as an example if parent id is 0 its at the top of the tree then if cat 1 were shorts any sub cats would have the parent id of 1 etc.
  8. also add this after you query and see if there are any errors $result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
  9. its to comment out in html.
  10. Its been a while since I did all of this but If I remember correctly you have two types pdt that provides information back as soon as the client gets redirected back from paypal and then the ipn which is sent to your ipn page on your site. The ipn page does not handle anything. On the script I wrote it emailed if it successfully updated in the information in the database. If you are stuck still I can post my code up here.
  11. replace your index page with another blank page named index to make 100% sure there is nothing in the code. I don't think there is but this will make sure.
  12. I disabled javascript in my firefox browser using the dev toolbar and it still diverted me
  13. i didn't fancy going to prey at the church of satan anyway.
  14. if you are testing to see if a form as been posted you need to test as follows if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // do what ever here if the form has been submited }
  15. contact who made the script for you and see if you have a missing file
  16. You tryed to do the query twice. once using $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM goals_data"); #select all fields from table making $query the Resource result then you tried to query the database again with it which wouldn't work. Then you tried to count the rows with the $query instead of what will now be the $result. It wasn't failing on that bit at that time, however once you would have sorted that it would have failed there as well anyway. $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("ERROR in query: $query.".mysql_error());#run the query
  17. opps sorry didn't see that above. $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM goals_data"); This should also be $query = "SELECT * FROM goals_data";
  18. $numplayers = mysql_num_rows($query); this should be $numplayers = mysql_num_rows($result);
  19. Hi, you need mod rewrite to write your pages from static to your php pages. This uses reg expressions and redirects to which ever script your set in your .htaccess. Contact your administrator and ask if you have access to this. I just skated through your post (it was like a book), am waiting for part two to come out. I see that barand has given a link to a site that will give some help regarding alot of this. If you are still stuck come back and let us know. P.S. Not everyone that answers is in another country some of us are in the UK.
  20. can you put some code up it will be a great help
  21. yes i have just noticed as well you have no ; after your echo statement. Unless this is just a typo here
  22. I might be having a slow day but don't understand why you are going about this the way you are. Why not just put the location that you want the form to post to in the location box. If you want the form to submit to itself you need the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] echoed in the action location on the form header. (this will not work on a windows server)
  23. opps sorry about that, thought that had sorted those problems out.
  24. You query the current highest id then add one ie. $query="SELECT MyID FROM MyTable ORDER BY MyID DESC; Then get the result from this and that will be your last id. Then add one and that is your new one.
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