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Posts posted by phprocker

  1. Is it necessary to use


    when I'm retrieving fields from a table that the user had no input on the result?


    Such as if there was a template color that the admin set in the siteconfig table that the script selects automatically with no user input.



  2. Hey all.  I've created a script that updates a website's config in a database. The script itself works fine but I feel it is rather uncanny. Where can I look to find better methods of achieving what I'm trying to accomplish?


    Here's my script that updates my table with columns id, showlogin, colorscheme, blogmenu, aboutus.

    I explain the script below it.


    if (isset($_POST['submit']))
            // id will always be 1 and only query if only submit was pressed
    $sql = "UPDATE config SET id=1";
            // showlogin values are 1 for show login form and 2 for don't
    	$showlogin = $_POST['showlogin'];
    	$sql .= ", showlogin='$showlogin'";
    	$colorscheme = $_POST['colorscheme'];
    	$sql .= ", colorscheme='$colorscheme'";
    	$blogmenu = $_POST['blogmenu'];
    	$sql .= ", blogmenu='$blogmenu'";
    	$sql .= ", blogmenu=2";
    	$aboutus = $_POST['aboutus'];
    	$sql .= ", aboutus='$aboutus'";
    	$sql .= ", aboutus=2";
    mysql_query($sql, $connect) or die (mysql_error());


    It works like this.  I have a form with a few selects and checkboxes. The selects are the colorscheme and showlogin. The checkboxes are blogmenu and about us, both defaulting to the number 2 if they are not checked. 1 means show this item on the live site and 2 means do not show.  This is pulled out of the database on page loads.


    So, I hope I was clear as my mind is spaghetti right now.



  3. Hey all.  I have a script that checks if a user is an admin and then allows that person to change certain page layouts and other things.


    My question is, of the following 2 examples, which is best way to check if the user is an admin.


    1st example:

    Should I have just a session that is set if the user is an admin and then have the pages displayed if he/she is?




    2nd example:

    Should I have each and every single admin query/request check if the user is an admin or not?


    What's the proper method?



  4. Ya I had errors off which was extremely stupid. I turned it off for another project.


    Anyway, here's the error.


    error on welcome.php

    Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\site\classes.php on line 24




    class users
    function is_admin($username)
    	global $mysqli;
    	$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT isadmin FROM users WHERE username = '$username'");
    	$value = $result->fetch_object();
    	if ($value->isadmin == 1) 
    		return 1;
    	return 0;



    include 'root.php';
    include ROOT.DS.'classes.php';
    $user = new users();
    if (!isset($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['imadmin']) || $user->is_admin($_SESSION['username'])==0)
    header('Location: index.php');
    //the rest is all html

  5. So there's nothing there when you do a View Source?



    I thought it was because I wasn't including the classes.php file but I added that and still same thing.


    I have to get to sleep, thanks for looking. I'll try again in the morning and post the rest of the code when I can take a look at it through non-bloodshot eyes.  :D


    Cheers people thanks!

  6. I'm a bit stumped here and as usual I'm sure it's something simple.


    I have an object that checks if a user is an admin. It works fine. But it the HTML below it is not getting displayed.


    Take a look.



    $user = new users();
    if (!isset($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['imadmin']) || $user->is_admin($_SESSION['username'])==0)
    header('Location: index.php');


    welcome.php is getting displayed without getting redirected to the index. But there's no HTML, just the URL to welcome.php in the bar.





  7. Hey all. My site has a config database table that has a column showlogin to set whether or not login functionality is enabled.


    I'm playing around with MySQLi, Classes, and Returns.  My return is always 1. Where am I going wrong?



    // Start Session
    // Production Settings
    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    include 'db.php';
    $mysqli = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $db);
    class styles
    function showlogin($show)
    	global $mysqli;
    	$select = $mysqli->query("SELECT showlogin FROM config LIMIT 1");
    	$value = $select->fetch_object();
    	if ($value->showlogin = 1) { 
    		return 1;
    	return 0;
    $login = new styles();	
    echo $login->showlogin($show);

  8. Hey all.  I have some CSS styling in my page headers that works only when included on the page itself and not linked from a file.  Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?



    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/default.css" />
    //code that doesn't load the external style
    <table class="background1" width="1000px" height="420px" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="15"></table>



    .background1 {background-image:url(images/meh.gif);}
    .background2 {background-image:url(images/back.png);}
    img {border-style:none;}

  9. Yes, this is one way.


    Another is to declare the variables you want to echo and then include your "view".


    Like this:


    <?php echo $hellovar; ?>



    $hellovar = "Hello";
    include 'theme.php';


  10. Split your html into a header and footer.


    Try this.









    // include header
    include 'themeheader.php';
    //echo statement
    echo "Hello";
    //include footer
    include 'themefooter.php';



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