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Radioactive Frog

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Everything posted by Radioactive Frog

  1. yeah i managed to do it using preg_remove(); RF
  2. yeah that is what i meant, having different boxes coming in. sorry if i didnt make myself clear! i have managed to sort it now i am using the code.... SELECT * FROM hotels WHERE (hotelname LIKE \'%$hotelplace%\' OR hoteladdress LIKE \'%$hotelplace%\' OR hotelcountry LIKE \'%$hotelplace%\' OR hotelphone LIKE \'%$hotelplace%\') AND (hotelcountry LIKE \'%$country%\') AND (hotelrating LIKE \'%$rating%\') LIMIT 0, 50 which works nicely!! All i gotta sort out now is what happens if the user enters a comma or other punctuation on the search field!! cheers RF
  3. i have the following query SELECT * FROM hotels WHERE hotelname LIKE \'%$search%\' OR hotelcountry LIKE \'%$search%\' OR hoteladdress LIKE \'%$search%\' i have one search value coming in....but what if there is $search2 AND OR $search3 ..... please could someone enlighten me on this.... thanks p.s. one of the values coming in would be a INT if it makes any difference !! dont worry, sorted it !! thanks
  4. great that works for that, but what about if i had to search variables coming in? how would i incorporate that? i have tried a couple of things but they dont work any ideas? thanks again
  5. thanks i will try it, j is only a test to see if it works i will put a \'%$search%\' there when i put it on the php page !! thanks again
  6. yeah i had changed that, sorry i should have saidm but it doesnt make any difference
  7. that doesnt show any results when i test it in phpmyqdmin
  8. i have this query for searching one field SELECT * FROM `hotels` WHERE hotelname LIKE \'%j%\' at it works ok, but i would like to search say two more fields i thought it would be like below but that dont work please could someone point out where i am going wrong....thanks SELECT * FROM `hotels` WHERE hotelname OR hotelcountry OR hoteladdress LIKE \'%j%\' thanks
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