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Posts posted by KevHopwood

  1. Hi all..



    I did use a video tutorial.


    I used this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM6_OCAoiFg


    i watched all 7 and it worked perfectly.


    What I then did is added a new table to my mysql called "apps" and I replaced all the column names which where column_??? to app_???. I just assumbed that as I have changed the little details then it must work the same.


    so can no one tell me where I am going wrong?

  2. Hi guys.


    I am creating a cms for my own and am rather new to php and databases.


    what i want is to simply display each item on my mysql database in a list and display each image with the title next to it.


    I currentiy have this code on my index page:

    $app = new article;
    $apps = $app->fetch_all();
    <title>App Donate</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
        <?php foreach ($apps as $app) { ?>
             <li><a href="article.php?id=<?php echo $apps['app_id']; ?>">
                 <img src="<?php echo $row_getdetails['app_img']; ?>" alt="Image from DB" />
                 <?php echo $apps['app_title']; ?>
        <?php } ?>


    class article {
    public function fetch_all(){
        global $pdo;
          $query = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `apps`");
    return $query->fetchAll();
    public function fetch_data($app_id) {
       global $pdo;
     $query = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM apps WHERE app_id = ?");
      $query->bindValue(1, $app_id);
    return $query->fetch();

    my index page can be found HERE


    as you can see it has seen that there is 2 posts in my databace but it just is not displaying the content.


    please can someone help?



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