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Everything posted by phpbigenner

  1. hello guy's! can you gave me a sample of javascript to check if the time reservation is reached the time interval that reservation is automatically cancelled.
  2. time_start and time_end are strings. then the value of time schedule have time_start and time_end.
  3. i have a problem on how to trap the time to enable the checkbox, can you help? example. the db name is time_schedule then the fields are 'time_start' and 'time_end' then there's a checkbox inside the html. my problem is how to enable the checkbox if the time schedule is not equal to the 'time_start' and 'time_end' value. need help guy's
  4. Hey guy's! I have a problem again on how to trap the time. example if the datestart is 08/12/2013 and the dateended is 08/13/2013. what should i do to display the movie until the time will 12:00 midnight. //i trap already the date here //datestart and dateended are strings <?php $q = mysql_query("select * from movie "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)){ if($row['dateended'] > date("m/d/Y")){ if($mid==$row['movieID']) echo "<option selected value=$row[movieID]>$row[title]</title>"; else echo "<option value=$row[movieID]>$row[title]</title>"; }else{} } ?>
  5. hey guy's! I have a problem again on how to trap the time. example if the datestart is 08/12/2013 and the date dateended is 08/12/2013. what should i do to display the dateended until it will greater than 12 AM in the midnight. // this is my code now // datestart and dateended are strings <?php $q = mysql_query("select * from movie "); $row = mysql_fetch_array($q); $sdate=$row['datestart']; $edate=$row['dateended']; while($sdate<=$edate) { echo "<option value=$sdate>$sdate</$sdate>"; $sdate =date('m/d/Y', strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($sdate))); } ?>
  6. thanks bro. I fix my problem. // this is my code now // datestart and dateended are strings <?php $q = mysql_query("select * from movie "); $row = mysql_fetch_array($q); $sdate=$row['datestart']; $edate=$row['dateended']; while($sdate<=$edate) { echo "<option value=$sdate>$sdate</$sdate>"; $sdate =date('m/d/Y', strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($sdate))); } ?>
  7. datestart and dateended are strings not integers.
  8. i have a database name movie and the fields are "datestart ", "dateended ". my problem is i want to retrieve the date that the movie is STARTED until the date that the movie is ENDED. example; date started is august 8, 2013, and the date ended is august 14, 2013 may concern is how to retrieve the date august 9, 2013, august 10, 2013 until august 13, 2013 // this is my code <?php $q = mysql_query("select * from movie "); $row = mysql_fetch_array($q); $sdate=$row['datestart']; $edate=$row['dateended']; while($sdate<=$edate){ echo "<option value=$sdate>$sdate</datestart>"; $sdate=mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),(date("d")+1),date("Y")); } ?>
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  11. <?php $act = $rs['actorID']; $m=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM movie_actor where actorID = '$act'"); $ma = mysql_num_rows($m); if($ma!=0){ echo '<script>alert("Cannot be deleted!")</script>'; }else{ echo '<td style="text-align:center"><a href="delete_actor.php?ID='.$row['actorID'].'" onclick="confirmation();return false"> <img height="40" width="40" src="icons/xx.png" /></a> </td> '; } ?>
  12. I have a seat number in a theater with maximum number of 196. If I reserve it all that's the time the wait list will occur. My problem is how to make a simple wait list? this is for my thesis. help me guy's.
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