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  1. I'm not sure if bumping is allowed but I would like to get this done today.. so... bump
  2. I took a lot of the code out and only showed the basic structure of what I am doing as to not have a bunch of code in there that is not pertinent to my question. But I guess I left out more important info in doing so. 1) There are only 21 positions 0-20. 2) I have another array with certain fields I print out in a table for each position. I guess I will just post the whole code. $default = array('id','firstname', 'lastname', 'position', 'OVR', 'AGE', 'SPD', 'AWR', 'ACC', 'AGI'); $defaultend = array('MOR','STA','INJ','TGH'); $off = array( 0 => array('THP','THA','CAR'), 1 => array('STR','CTH','CAR','BTK'), 2 => array('STR','CTH','CAR','BTK','RBK','PBK'), 3 => array('JMP','CTH','BTK','CAR','RBK','PBK'), 4 => array('STR','CTH','BTK','CAR','RBK','PBK'), 5 => array('STR','RBK','PBK'), 6 => array('STR','RBK','PBK'), 7 => array('STR','RBK','PBK'), 8 => array('STR','RBK','PBK'), 9 => array('STR','RBK','PBK'), ); $d=array('SPD','STR','JMP','CTH','TAK'); $def = array( 10 => $d, 11 => $d, 12 => $d, 13 => $d, 14 => $d, 15 => $d, 16 => $d, 17 => $d, 18 => $d, 19 => array('KPW','KAC'), 20 => array('KPW','KAC'), ); $mon = range(0, 20); $mon_fields = array('id','firstname','lastname','position','OVR','OYR','YRL','CSAL','AGE'); $prog = array( 0 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','THP','THA'), 1 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','CAR','BTK','PBK','RBK','STA'), 2 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','CAR','BTK','PBK','RBK','STA'), 3 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','CTH','CAR','RBK','STA'), 4 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','CTH','CAR','PBK','RBK','STA'), 5 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','STR','PBK','RBK','STA'), 6 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','STR','PBK','RBK','STA'), 7 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','STR','PBK','RBK','STA'), 8 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','STR','PBK','RBK','STA'), 9 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','STR','PBK','RBK','STA'), 10 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','TAK','STA'), 11 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','TAK','STA'), 12 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','TAK','STA'), 13 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','TAK','STA'), 14 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','TAK','STA'), 15 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','TAK','STA'), 16 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','TAK','STA'), 17 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','TAK','STA'), 18 => array('AWR','SPD','AGI','ACC','JMP','TAK','STA'), 19 => array('AWR','SPD','KPW','KAC','STA'), 20 => array('AWR','SPD','KPW','KAC','STA'), ); if($_GET['type'] == 'off') $what = $off; if($_GET['type'] == 'def') $what = $def; if($_GET['type'] == 'mon') $what = $mon; if($_GET['type'] == 'off' || $_GET['type'] == 'def' || $_GET['type'] == 'mon'){ foreach($what as $key1 => $val1) { echo "<div class=\"roster\"><table border=1>\n"; echo "<tr style=\"background-color: ".$team_sql['th_bg_color'].";\">\n"; if($_GET['type'] == 'off' || $_GET['type'] == 'def') { $totalfields = array_merge($default, $val1); } if($_GET['type'] == 'mon') { $totalfields = $mon_fields; } $totalfields = array_merge($totalfields, $defaultend); $sql = "SELECT "; $i=0; foreach($totalfields as $key2) { $sql .= "$key2, "; if($i==0){$i++; continue;} echo "<th style=\"color: ". $team_sql['th_text_color']. "; background: ".$team_sql['th_bg_color'].";\">"; echo ($abs[$key2]) ? $abs[$key2] : $key2; echo "</th>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; if(!$order){ $order='OVR'; } $sql = preg_replace("/, $/", " ", $sql); $sql .= " FROM $tbl_players WHERE team='".$team_ident."' AND position='$key1' ORDER BY $order DESC"; $result = cnt_mysql_query($sql) or die("<b>A fatal MySQL error occured</b>.\n<br />Query: " . $sql . "<br />\nError: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error()); ; while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "<tr>"; $xcount=0; $playerid=$row[0]; foreach($row as $field) { if($xcount==0){$xcount++; continue;} /* If no field is found, set 'n/a' */ $field = ($field != '') ? $field : 'n/a'; if($xcount==1 || $xcount==2){ echo '<td class="roster"><a href=player_profile.php?pid='.$playerid.'>'.$field.'</td>'; } elseif($xcount==3){ echo '<td class="roster">'.$arr_position[$field].'</td>'; } elseif($_GET['type'] == mon && $xcount==7){ //addition for calculating total salary $totsal = ($totsal+($field*10000)); $field = $field*10000; $field = number_format($field); echo '<td class"roster">$'.$field.'</td>'; } else{ echo '<td class="roster">'.$field.'</td>'; } $xcount++; } echo "<tr>\n"; } echo "</table></div>"; echo "<p></p>"; }
  3. The way I currently have my code written is running 21 queries I am looking for help on optimizing the code. First question is would running one query and then using PHP to run through a array be better than running the 21 queries? (faster less server intensive?) Second if it would be how could I rewrite this to be more optimized? $mon = array('0' => '', '1'=>'','2'=>'','3'=>'','4'=>'', '5'=>'', '6'=>'', '7'=>'', '8'=>'', '9'=>'', '10'=>'', '11'=>'', '12'=>'', '13'=>'', '14'=>'', '15'=>'', '16'=>'', '17'=>'', '18'=>'', '19'=>'', '20'=>''); $mon_fields = array('id','firstname','lastname','position','OVR','OYR','YRL','CSAL','AGE'); $defaultend = array('MOR','STA','INJ','TGH'); $what = $mon; foreach($what as $key1 => $val1) { $totalfields = $mon_fields; $totalfields = array_merge($totalfields, $defaultend); $sql = "SELECT "; $i=0; foreach($totalfields as $key2) { $sql .= "$key2, "; } $sql = preg_replace("/, $/", " ", $sql); $sql .= " FROM $tbl_players WHERE team='".$team_ident."' AND position='$key1'"; $result = cnt_mysql_query($sql) or die("<b>A fatal MySQL error occured</b>.\n<br />Query: " . $sql . "<br />\nError: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { foreach($row as $field) { echo '<td class="roster">'.$field.'</td>'; } }
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